Welcome to Jsc’s
Hi, my name is Jerry Carcache. This is the 10th installment of Jsc’s Junker!
I have moved on up to the East Side and I
got a piece of the pie! I moved into my own section! All thanks to Jsc Junker
Now I will be Rating Cards for Normal play
and the ECSTS!
Rating System:
This is my rating system 5 to 0 rating…
is a 5 out of 5. Perfect card in almost every way! Should be in every deck.
is a 4 out of 5. Good card and reliable, above average! And will be useful in
later sets.
is a 3 out of 5. Ok card, useable, average card. This card is a normal pokemon
trading card.
This is a 2 out of 5. Not a very good card,
but might be good later.
This is a 1 out of 5. Meaning this card
stinks. Put it back in the pack and send it to wizards. Use gloves while doing
that please!
This is a 0 out of 5. Hmm… I Finally found
one! “If anyone puts this into their
deck, they are guaranteed a loss."
Thanks to Max Beaumont for the amusing “0” rating. If you want your “0” rating here just email it to me.
Lets get to what you came here for, Jsc’s Junker card of the day. Is………..* A School Bell sounds Out *
ü Basic
pokemon ü 60
hp –Low! ü 2
energies to retreat ü Weakness
to Fire ü Has
Resistance to Grass
A Steel type pokemon
Good Combos with Skarmory …
simple you can counter Skarmory with Any Fire type pokemon you have, if you
don’t have any fire pokemon, take advantage of Skarmory’s other weakness.
That’s right his Energies! By Energy removal or Super Energy removal you can
handicap Skarmory. With out its precious Metal energies it can’t attack you
with the Steel Wing the most harmful move that Skarmory has.
MOST commonly used haymaker pokemon today can take out Skarmory. In Neo 2 there
will be more grass/water/fighting pokemon so Skarmory will be still used. BUT
in Neo 3 there will be so many Dark/Fire pokemon you wouldn’t want to use Steel
pokemon anymore with the weakness of Fire!
Skarmory is
beating your deck in a match? What do you do?
Try to do anything I said above, try to ER or SER, gust of wind another
Skarmory that might not have enough or no energies at all. This is basically to
stall for you to recover and build up a pokemon tough enough for Skarmory to
get knocked out by.
Pokemon that are good at stalling would be as follows:
Ø Erica’s Dratini – Since
Skarmory is a basic pokemon he can only do 10 damage per turn.
Ø Chansey – 120 hp very good
at stalling.
Ø Any Pokemon with a Status
effect of poison or confusion – If you poison/confuse Skarmory your opponent
might try to retreat, scoop, and will lose energies while doing so.
Ø Any Baby Pokemon (because of baby rule) – 50% chance that your opponent wouldn’t knock out the baby pokemon. So if it’s cleffa you should eeek to get cards while stalling at the same time.
What’s The Normal
Play Rating for Skarmory?
give this Card a 2 out of 5 **
Well this card gets a 2 out of 5 because it is not strong enough to
counter sneasel or wigglytuff. You could use Rainbow energies with Skarmory but
with the low hp you would just be helping your opponent knock out your Skarmory
faster. The moves are all right but I would save the Metal Energies for a
stronger pokemon such as Steelix. Since he has more hp, and has a better
attack. So I would rather go with a Steelix.
What’s The ECSTS
Play Rating for Skarmory?
give this Card a 3 out of 5 ***
Well Skarmory is better in the ECSTS FORMAT since the commonly used
pokemon are now gone. Its Hp is still a factor but you could work around it. I
would use Skarmory as a Set-Up pokemon for a better Steel pokemon named
Steelix. If you play Steel/Fire/Dark of any kind you will have a good chance at
winning since NO POKEMON currently has resistance to any of these pokemon
types. So Steelix would be a good choice with the setup of Skarmory.
See you guys
Until The Next Jsc’s Junker…
to Pojo Staff for posting this tip! ^_^ Especially to ClefairyDoll, Also to the fans of Jsc’s
Junker thanks for the support! Thanks for reading another of Jsc’s Junker!
-And Thank You For Reading Another Edition Of Jsc’s Junker!
- Email me at: Jscjunker@aol.com for any
suggestions, or want me to review a certain pokemon card Just email me