hey everyone.  With neo discovery coming out, there have been alot
of new strategies coming up.  Fossil egg/aerodacytal, igglybuff,
murkrow/umbreon, and dark dugtrio/forretress to name a few.  But I have
a good card that slipped past most people's  best neo discovery lists,
    Ever since the release of metal energy, people have been disapointed
because theres this great card here, but no good metal pokemon to put it
on.  I know steelix is good, but with the release of metal and dark,
energy removal is actually on a rise.  Steelix is the most er
succeptable pokemon i've ever seen.  if you er it, It suddenly becomes a
big old dart board.  Plus with a retreat of 4, if its out there, it's
there to stay.  Unfortuanetly, In a hand/energy/trainer disruption
environment, something that needs that many cards devoted to it with
never see too much playtime.  and skarmory, Is playable, but with 60 hp,
won't last long, even with metal energies.
    But with the release of neo discovery, we see a new evolution to an
old favorite.
Scizor has solid hp (80), low energy attacks( 1st: 1 metal, 2nd: 3
colorless), retreat of 2( half of steelix), and evolves from scyther (a
free retreating 70hp big basic).
    Lets look at scizors offensive drive.
1st attack= for 1 metal, this attack does half of your oponents hp
rounded down.  For one energy, that knocks most archetypes down to 30 or
40 hp. Now I know hat there are decks that do not use archetypes, But
when building a tournament worthy deck, those are what you need to look
out for.  this first attack works well with it's second attack.
2nd attack= for 3 colorless, this attack does 20 damage. then you flip 2
coins, it does an additional 20 damage for each heads.  This attacks
averages 40 damage.  So you have a 75% chance of knocking out that big
basic or wigglytuff out that turn.
in two turns(not the first 2 turns) you can knock out most big basic
pokemon.  The best thing, is when facing higher hp pokemon, aka chansey
or steelix, scizors first attack becomes even stronger.
    But perahps the biggest advantage to scizor is the fact that he gets
metal benefit.  I'll tell you now, theres nothing I like more in a
pokemon than being defensive and offensive.  If you can get 3 metals on
him,  he's a wall.  now going back to my steelix lecture, if they super
you while you have 3 metal energy, than you can simply slap on a double
colorless and your still hitting them hard.
    The only problem with cards like this, Scizor/wigglytuff/steelix, is
that they all are stage 1's.  that means you have to chill with your
jigglypuff or onix. And your messed up if cannot evolve it.  But scizor
elvolves from scyther, giving it another check on the pro side.  Scyther
can hit hard without scizor, And it can retreat for free, and it can
hang in longer with 70 hp.  But my favorite thing about scizor is that
it is just as stronge without any metal energy.  So if you are slashing
your oponent with scyther, you can simply evolve it, and keep
attacking.  But you goin 10 more hp, a different resistance(witch allows
you to shift resistance), and it can do an average of 10 more damage.
    I also know fire decks have becom popular with the release of
blain's arcainine(120 damage), neo magmar( the no resistance
hitmonchan), and the release of entei this fall(pokemon power allows up
to 5 fire energies to be played on its first turn).  Scizor isn't
perfect, and it is a target for energy removal, but with 80 hp, a
rainbow energy is a good option.  but you know, you have to try it out
before you do anything.  Give it a shot, see how you like it.

Cya next time
Matt Haithcock