Ok, I've read everyone's ideas on 2nd turn damage, and I think they are all VERY creative and I would like to say good job to all of those people who sat around and took the time to submit an idea.However, I have thought of a way to beat ALL of you. Ok,you start out with your hand beig as follows: 2 Scythers, 1 promo Scizor,1 steel energy,1 double colorless,and 2 grass energy (there is no real use for the grass energy,it is just there because you need less cards for the combo than what you get in the beggining)  Ok,here's how it goes:
Your turn:you draw a grass energy.You have a Scyther active and a Scyther benched. You put a double colorless energy under the benched Scyther and pass.
Opponent's turn: draws a card and attacks with chikorita's tackle
Your turn:(this is the fun part!) you draw a grass energy.Then, evolve the benched Scyther into promo Scizor and attach a steel energy to Scizor. Then, you retreat your actice Scyther and bring up promo Scizor. Then you attack with Metal Pincer which does 30 damage and reads: "Flip a coin until you get tails.This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads."   Well, assuming you get all heads, the damage would be infinate!! You could do as much as you want as long as you get all heads!!   Well,thats all for now,and until next time this is Andrew Ketchum saying  "Adios,amigos(and fellow poke'maniacs!)"
If you have any questions,comments,or even disagreements send it to andrew_hensley@hotmail.com       Thanks for reading!