Hey everyone, here is my top 5 picks from neo discovery set. I pickt
that can help all pokemon trainers in the pokemon card game.
The resin he is #1 is because every one looks for ways to kill the bench
without discarding energy or taking forever to kill them and still have a
good amount of damage done to the defending active pokemon. He does
50 base
then you have to add the dark energies that makes it 70, and you can add
dark energies to increase that more.
With Blaine's Rapidash you could kill the bench slowly and he had a week
Same thing with dark Riachu, and Ampharos
and kinda the same thing with Blaine's Charizard. Though he could
hurt 40 it
was only to one pokemon and you had to flip+ no base damage.
Another good thing is he has no weakness and has a resistance to
With Tyranitar you get everything you need the only bad thing is you can
your own bench
But you can take care of that by putting in some unknown D's and scoop
I would put some gust of wind's in there to Incas they have an unknown
Energy cost: 3 Colorless
Flip 2 coins this attack does 30 times the number of heads
Energy cost:2 colorless and 2 Darkness energy.
Base damage:50 +dark energies)
For each Benched Pokemon in play (yours and your opponent's), Flip a coin
heads, this attack does 30 damage to that pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness
Resistance for Benched Pokemon)
Weakness: none
Resistance: Psychic
Retreat Cost:3 Colorless Energy
OK, this a good card for number 2 If used in the right way. You can
things Crunch will do 40 (cause of the dark energy) and then the next turn
you can do 70 with Flamethrower. But you will still have that dark
energy so
you will do 80 that is 120 damage in 2 turns. This is better then
Flamethrower 2 times in a row Because you do not want to discard 2 fire
energies. Plus if the opponent your fighting has 40 or less HP use
kill hem and then the next turn use Flamethrower for 80 and chances are
hem to. He also has no weakness and a resistance to Psychic.(I think
dark pokemon have that)
Energy Cost: 1 dark and 2 colorless
Base Damage:30 +dark energies
Until the end of your next turn. If an attack damages the Defending
(after applying Weakness and Resistance), that attack does 20 more damage
the Defending Pokemon.
Energy cost: 2 Fire and 1 Colorless energy
Base Damage:50 +dark energies
Discard 1 fire energy card attached to Houndoom or this attack does
Resistance: Psychic
Retreat Cost: one Colorless Energy
Tyrouge and Hitmontop.
They both deserve this spot. Tyrouge is a baby pokemon that can do 30
one energy, is hard to kill cause of the baby rule, and can evolve into
Hitmontop, hitmonlee, and hitmonchan. Hitmontop is a pokemon that for
energy can use detect and flip a coin to see if anything happens to hem
during your opponents turn. Also for 3 energies he can use triple
kick and
do up to 90 damage. That is great for a basic pokemon. There is
a down side
he only has 60 HP but through in some defenders and berries and you'll be
Baby pokemon
30 HP
Smash Punch
energy cost: 1 colorless energy
Base damage: 30
Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing.
retreat cost:none
60 HP
Energy cost: 1 Fighting energy
Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponent's next turn, prevent all
of attack, including damage, done to Hitmontop.
Triple Kick
Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of
Weakness: Psychic
Retreat cost: none
Beedrill is not normally a very good pokemon but it finally deserves a spot
in the top five. Pin Missile and triple Poisson are both very good
and take
very little energy to use them. It would be a good idea to use
breeder to get to Beedrill turn two. That way you could triple poison
then pin missile them for up to 80. sense poison stays in effect
until you
evolve, or use an item to get it of you can gust of wind out other pokemon
and use triple poison on them to.(This would be death to a haymaker
80 HP
Triple Poison
Base damage:10
Energy Cost:1 Grass Energy
Flip a coin if heads the defending pokemon is now poisoned. Your opponent
puts 3 damage counters on it instead of one after each player's turn. (even
if it was already poisoned)
Pin missile
Energy Cost:3 Grass energy
Flip 4 coins this attack does 20 times the # of heads.
Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Fighting
Retreat cost:None
False swipe is a really cool attack you half the damage your opponent has
left. You use false swipe to weaken the opponent and then use Double
claw to
KO hem. Think about it this way you up against chansey and you got no
one on
bench you can kill hem in 3 turns use false swipe 2 times then use double
claw. Also he has 80hp and with mettle energy he is getting
protected. He
also has a resistance to grass!
80 HP
False Swipe
Energy cost: 1 Mettle Energy
Does Damage equal to half the defending pokemon's remaining HP (Rounded
to the nearest 10)
Double Claw
Energy cost
3 Colorless energy
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 20 Damage times the number of
Retreat Cost:2 Colorless energy
That is my top 5 pick's from neo discovery
I hope that info help's you make a great killer deck
When neo 3 comes out in english I am going to do a top 10!!!
If you have any questions, need help on a deck, want to comment on my post
anything e-mail me at Losernumber8@aol.com or losernumber@mail.com