Dear Pojo,

Please post this article in your strategy section, thanx.

    With fossil came many types of strategies, some more noticeable than
others.  But there is a deadly killer that was born when fossil arrived, but
few people noticed it.  That strategy is fire mulligan, or as some people
call it, wildfire.  In this article, I will explain the strategy of wildfire,
how to play it, and its usual results against some of the most powerful (and
most common) decks today.
    Wildfire is a type of stall deck that was never made until fossil came
out (or wasn't' too successful anyway).  It uses Moltres's Wildfire attack to
deck your opponent.  Wildfire consists of usually three different pokémons. 
They are Chansey, Fossil Magmar, and of course, Moltres.  The basic strategy
is to use Fossil Magmar and Chansey to stall while you build Moltres on your
bench.  When Moltres is all charged up (with about 4+ energies), you pay the
one retreat cost and wildfire, quickly cutting through your opponent's deck. 
    A Wildfire, in my opinion, is superior to Mr. Mime and Alakazam-Chansey
mulligans.  The major reason is because Wildfire, unlike the other mulligans,
doesn't depend on your opponent to play drawing cards such as bill and oak. 
Wildfire can take cards off your opponent's deck and place them into their
discard pile.  This is something Mr. Mime and Alakazam-Chansey mulligans can
never do.  Therefore, those decks can actually deck themselves if they went
first and their opponent doesn't play any drawing or searching cards (well,
maybe pokémon trader).  A Wildfire also has a more powerful offense, and
every experienced trainer knows that a good mulligan must be able to go on
the offense.  That means if forced, a Wildfire deck can attack the opponent
rather successfully.  Below is my prediction on how a Wildfire might fare
against the following decks:

Haymaker:  Unless the trainer playing a haymaker can catch him/herself in
time, a Wildfire will quickly deck them.  This is because of a Haymaker's
amazing ability to quickly draw cards.  In this situation, it is a
disadvantage.  Moltres also has a resistance to fighting, one of haymaker's
most powerful attacker, hitmonchan, is also fighting.  Therefore, increasing
Wildfire's defense. 

Raindance:  Although Raindance also draws a lot of cards, they will probably
be able to win.  Raindance's heavy firepower should be able to destroy
Wildfire before Raindance get decked.  However, it still might be possible
since Moltres, unlike all other fire pokémon, doesn't have a weakness to
water.  This, teamed up with a good defense and maybe a few mimes, can give
the edge to Wildfire.

Mr. Mime Mulligans:  Mime has almost no chance against this deck unless it
attacks.  But a Wildfire has a powerful Mime killer:  Fossil Magmar.  Sooner
or later, mime will get killed, and that will occur before either player
decks him/herself (if both decide to go on offense).

Alakazam-Chansey Mulligans:  Same story as with mime, but they have a better
chance.  Alakazam can deal more damage than mime, and can also transfer his
damage onto a benched Chansey.  Then again, Moltres can do 80 damage in one
turn, the same amount of HP Alakazam has.  And without Alakazam, this deck is

Energy Denial:  Wildfire will have some serious troubles with this strategy
unless its trainer keeps Moltres as active.  Then Moltres will discard one
energy per turn, so there won't be any energy to remove.  But if your going
to do that, then you need one h*ll of a defense and plenty of Moltreses. 

Beatdown:  I know that beatdown isn't as common as it used to be, but I'll
write it just in case…  If you're going to beat a Wildfire, you need a good
offense, and plenty of GOWs to get that Moltres out.  If a beatdown has an
excellent offense, then Wildfire will have a difficult time beating it.

Bodyguard:  After about 60+ people wanted to see my bodyguard deck, I thought
I might as well add it on.  A bodyguard will have some serious problems
beating Wildfire.  Unlike beatdown, a bodyguard's offensive abilities are
reduced in order to make room for an excellent defense.  If a bodyguard can't
press on the beatdown fast enough, then it will surely get decked.

    To sum it up, a Wildfire is a very powerful strategy.  It combines both a
great decking ability and a flexible offense.  It should, and will be
considered as one of the best mulligans ever made.

Hatemails, comments and others are welcomed at:

Note:  If you have any questions about how your deck will do against an
average Wildfire, or if you want to see my Wildfire deck, please email me.