I'm here right now to go into which Pokemon Types are the best to go up
against depending on which Pokemon Type you play with.

    At a guess I'd say if you play a Grass Deck you should be hellz bellz
happy if you go up against a Water Deck. Take a nice Nidorino with a Horn
Drill (4 energy) and you'll take out almost every Pokemon in Water in 1 shot.
Exept for really annoying Pokemon that are just 10 away from. Don't ya hate
them? Like Starmie. So there are exeptions I hate to say because it annoys me
beyond beleif. But at least you'd be able to beat them in two shots. And
there are better examples, I admit that. Much better in fact. I just looked
through my annoyingly big pile of cards and found a Nidorino as an example.

    I guess a Grass would be OK. Gets rid of puny Pokemon like Caterpie and
Tangela (No offence to anybody who likes them, just an opinion). I can't
really say much about this Type because not many poke's have weakness, none
of them have resistance but it's still an awesome Type. Charizard, Magmar and
Charmeleon (I LIKE HIM!) are a few. I'd just suggest staying away from a

    A lot of good card ranges, not a favourite of mine but quite close. It's
becoming more used every day. Good type all around I think. There aren't many
Types that this Type should keep away from. Even if somebody has resistance
to Water the attacks will still leave high damage, even with a Defender

    Everybody go hide behind the sofa! Zapdos, Electabuzz, Electrode,AAAAAH!
I'd be happy with a Water deck. Those annoying little Water Pokemon I
mentioned earlier, Starmie etc. So a nice deck to think about could be a
Lightning/Grass Deck if you're in the mood to completely crush Water.

    My personal favourite. Fighting can completely get a butt-whoopin' with
Psychic around. They might aswell have no Weakness because they have Weakness
to other Psychic. The other Psychic have Weakness to you. How annoying would
that match be? Some of the best Pokemon Powers in Pokemon TCG which I like.
It can handle a lot. Jump with joy if you find yourself against an all
Fighting Deck which hides behind Machamps! LOL!

    Ick! Ick! Ick! I guess Electric would be best to go up against with a
Fighting. You have resistance to them and they have Weakness to you. Quite
good against Lightning I guess. I only hate them because I used to play an
Electric Deck and a Fighting completely detroyed me. I didn't take a single
prize, he took 'em all.

I'm not going to do Colorless because it is so unused. (Not a full Colorless
I hope you like the article and I hope it helps people. Remember the
Grass/Electric if you hate Water!
Please no hate mail.