Hi everyone. The Whether Man here with some more Neo info. This is another deck theme that I predict will work well. It may not be as tournament winning as Water Cycle, but it will work. This deck is based on Meganimu, the final stage of Chikorita, the grass starting pokemon of Neo, and Exeggutor. First, let's look at the card:
                         Stage 2 Grass Pokemon:      Meganimu         HP:100
                                          Pokemon Power: Any grass energy card attached to any one of your
                                    grass pokemon now counts as 2 grass energy instead of one. This power
                                    can't be used if this card is asleep, confused, paralyzed, or poisoned.
                                                          GGGG:                       40
                                            Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is asleep.
                                        Weakness: Fire        Resistance: none     Retreat:3
    You see where I'm going, don't you? Load Exeggutor with grass energy and DCE's, then get Mega out and Big Eggsplosion away. No pokemon, not even Steel ones, can take that kind of damage, giving you the ability to go blazing through your opponent's ranks unopposed. Even Energy Removals won't work, because all grass energy now counts as two, making your ability to recover from SER a lot easier. The one problem with this deck is the first 5 to 12 turns you need to get Meganimu and Sir Eggs-A-Lot out. Those turns will be the turns in which Haymaker wil be beating you like crazy. Luckily, four coin flips can take any Haymaker pokemon out. Fire will also be a problem, but that can be doused with a bunch of colorless pokemon. Here's a sample:
                                          Meganimu's Eggsplosion
                                         23 Grass                  4 Bill
                                         2 DCE                     3 Gust of Wind
                                         4 Chikorita              2 Oak
                                         1 Beriifu                   3 Pokemon Breeder
                                         3 Meganimu            3 Computer Search
                                         3 Exeggcute            3 Super Energy Removal   
                                         2 Exeggutor 
                                         2 Kangaskan
                                         2 Uppa  
    This deck probably won't be a major tournament winner, but it's a pretty fun deck to build on. Any comments or suggestions on this deck are welcome, and..... Oh yeah, here's Upaa's translation:
                                 Basic Water Pokemon:                Upaa       HP 50
                                                 W: Choose one of the Defending pokemon's attacks. During your
                                            opponent's next turn, that attack can't be used.
                                                         CC:            20X
                                            Flip 2 coins. Does 20 damage times the number of heads.
                                         Weakness: Grass      Resistance: Lightning     Retreat: 1 
    He's used as a sacrifice in the case of fire and Mime. His attack can do up to 80 damage to an opposing fire pokemon, enough to stop an opposing Magmar from destroying your deck. Any response is welcome.
                                                                    The Whether Man       