I am responding to ViperDu's Fire article.
okay, fire does not suck.  They do big, heavy damage.  Sure they discard but that's what energy retrieval is for.  i think that all Fire Pokémon are decent.  They have decent HP, basics, and attacks.  Yes, i would not recomend fire to beginners, but if you have experience, you should use fire and you may do very good. 
Take a look at my fire deck.  it is called RK9Talz.
24 Fire energy
3 Lickitung
3 fossil magmar
3 Growlithe
2 Arcanine
3 Vulpix
2 ninetales
4 Energy removal
3 retrieval
3 Bill
2 Oak
2 Switch
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokemon trader
3 CPU Search
It is based on stalling with lickitung while pumping up Arcanine or Ninetales.  It is a very decent deck.  I would reccomend it to anyone who likes fire.  Fire is not awful.  Any color can do very awesome depending on how you play.
Tyler C. at tymy1223@aol.com or tymy1223@directweb.com .