Yo, everybody! I'm here to talk about haymakers and how to make/play
them efficeintly and strategically. First off, your basic Haymaker

Hitmonchan- Quick and powerful with lots of Hp. Wow.
Greg's quick rating: 9/10

Machop- Should be a devolved Hitmonchan with minus a forty damage attack
and a retreat energy.
Greg Quick Rating: 6/10

Rattata- Quick, no retreat, and a resistance? Downside: Low Hp and a
weakness to fighting.
GQR(You know it): 6/10

Farfetch'd- Hard hitting, yet Quick 1 retreat and a resistance is pretty
GQR: 7/10

Advanced Haymaker Pokemon (Potpouri)

Scyther- Only one word to explain this one, Versatile. 70 Hp, no retreat
and a 30 damage-all colorless attack.
GQR: 10/10

Electabuzz- Quick and Powerful with one Elec energy (at least) for each
attack. Yet 70 Hp!
GQR: 9/10

Fossil Magmar: Quick and pretty damaging, with 70 Hp make this guy
pretty good.
GQR: 8/10

Well, there are alot of other Pokemon that could go in a Haymaker, but I
list ones that supported the theme! And now, with no delay, the finesse
and stratigy of a Haymaker!

Haymakers, are quick damaging, alot of Hp Pokemon that you try to get
them to have resistances. Usually, there are PlusPowers to support the
damage theme and
Stuff that heals to keep their Hp high. If, they are playing on your
resistances, try
Gust Of Wind their Weaker Pokemon out. And retreat if you feel you need
to bail out.
Bills and Oaks are usually played A.S.A.P but, somtimes Oak is
Quicker Pokemon are usually put out at the start of a match and build
better (if they need more energy for their better attack (like
Hitmonchan)) on your bench and bring them out later on but, you can
always put Hitmonchan out because he has a 20 damage first-turn attack
and build him up there.

Well, that is the end of may article and always remember make a deck
anyway you like, and if you are original and strategical, you can win.
Reach me(Greg) at:
If you would like to see more articals by me or you have a rant,
commplaint or comment on my work.
