Hey everybody Ekk here with Wiggly and Co. 2! Yes good ol wigglytuff final
run was on this deck in fact it 24- 0 In a touneyment so here's the revised
wiggly and co. (the first on is under Feburary deck reports)

20 Pokemon:
4 Scyther
2 Ditto
4 Spearow
3 Fearow
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff

19 Trainers:
4 Bill
2 Oak
1 Gambler (to prevent decking)
4 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up
4 ER

Energy 21:
17 Grass energy

  The Stradgy is to quickly get attacking while building up wiggly and then
retreat for practically free retreat ditto there to handle the huge hitters. 
Here it is again new and Improved it's pretty much the same stradgy but
better built because of this version I've become the local Champ so thats
all. Since that tournement I'm on my third deck so...

See ya from the Wiggly master Ekk
E-Mail Spiderycat@aol.com