HELLO! First off, I'd like to thank all who replied to my article on 'Chan, even those who disagreed, as your comments were both constructive and appreciated.
For those of you who are getting bored of playing the same old hay or Wiggly deck, here are some combos to add a little variety to your lives.
This is a simple one. First, use Alakazam (your active) to damage swap 7 damage counters on to him, then play recall to use Kadabra's recover to discard one P energy in order to remove all damage counters from him.
WARNING: Seeing as a pokémon is determined by name, there is a risk that you can't do this as you have Alakazam out, not Kadabra. It's just that I've seen people use Recall on Gyrados to play 80-damage flails. I'll E-mail Wizards and ask, then post the response, so WATCH THIS SPACE!
NO.2-Tauros/Gold Berry/Full heal.
Until Neo, pokémon with Rage, Flail or similar attack have been at a disadvantage in that their attacks are best when their H.P. isn't. They could only attack decently when death was looming. Potions weren't effective, as that limited attack power. But now, you can pull off a solid 60 or 70 damage Rampage while you still have damage counters on you, then play Gold berry in between turns so you still have decent hp left. If you flip tails with rampage, full heal is there to sort things out afterwards.
NOTE- Dodrio is also good for this trick, as it can do the same amount of damage with no risk of confusion and zero retreat. BUT it doesn't have a good opening attack(although it's pokémon power is useful) like stomp, and weakness to Lightning -OUCH- is more difficult to deal with than weakness to fighting.
NO.3-Moltres/Sabrina's Psychic Control
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the second card, it reads:"Flip a coin. If heads, choose a trainer card in your opponent's discard pile that isn't put into play(like PlusPower or Mysterious Fossil). You may use that card as if it were in your hand, if you do everything required in order to play that card(like discarding cards). The card stays in your oppopnent's discard pile."
What you need to do is play a decent-sized Wildfire to discard a good chunk of your opponent's deck. Then (provided you get heads) you can pick your opponent's best trainer and use it against them before they can use their own trainers against you! Trainer-dependent hay players will slowly become irate/nervous/nauseous, and trapper players will wish they'd never been born...
This effectively gives you a chaos gym that only your opponent has to worry about.
TIPS- Protect your moltres using steels,defenders and Gold berries.(Seeing as you're using Wildfire, steel has no drawbacks.) Also, use the Gym heroes card Secret mission to both draw cards to get fire energy for moltres and keep an eye on your opponent's trainers in hand,so you can totally cheese them off by playing RSA. And finally, when you start to run dry on SPC's, may I recommend playing all of your trainers in one raging torrent of death that lasts no more than 3-4 turns before slapping down a chaos gym and adopting an extremely smug expression.
That's all for now. I have a few more, but I'll save them for another day as this article's already too long.
but rest assured: Mosquito will return, and with him he will bring even more combos from his twisted, evil, and slightly damaged mind.
Until that fateful day,
(switch to happy voice)if you should have any comments, suggestions or constructive crit. E-mail me at
Catch you later,