Written By: Giovanni (Species: Human Bean)
Edited By: Cinnamin (Species: Hamster)
Starring: Giovanni (Species: Human Bean)
Email: Giovanni@pokeschool.com
Title: Steel Chansey: Powerful or a Dud?
Giovanni: I've been noticing a new type of deck popping out of the woodwork or whatever... Not in large numbers, mind you, but enough to make it a real threat...
Cinnamin: *SqeakSqeakSqeak*=[A real threat? We haven't had one of those since the Charizards attacked us 'way back when...' Oh yeah, there was that deck that was called... what was it... oh yeah, a Haymaker.  It just didn't have a pitchfo-]
Giovanni: Cinnamin, you know full well what I mean, despite that sarcasm that seems to sustain you and prevents you from dying.  And incase you need any proof, here's why [audience Ohhhs and Ahhhs] Steel Chansey is a real threat:
With 1 Metal Energy attached, Chansey's Double-Edge does 70 to the defender, 60 to itself (Double Edge does 70 from metal Energy's 'attacks do 10 less damage' part, and it prevents the last ten damage.).
With 4 Steel Energy, it does 40 damage (a sizable amount) and 0!!!! damage to it.  It doesn't need 4 Steel Energy to work either.
Also, it has great longevity with the Steel Energy.  And even with ER, any halfway decent player would have Ecogym and MP Mewtwo/Energy Flow for energy recursion, so the deck could keep that longevity.
Cinnamin: *SqeakSqeeeak...*=[Except when they play another gym...]
Giovanni: Except when I use MP Mewtwo's Energy Absorption and then Energy Flow... I've planned one of them out on paper, Cinnamin.  I know something about the deck... More than you seem to, at lease.
To sum it up, the deck is a real threat (Cinnamin, don't say anything).  Sure, it has it's weakpoints, like ER, I don't deny it.  But it can work around those weakpoints and when it does it's a real force to be reckoned with.  Already it's starting to win tournies.
Cinnamin: *SqeakSqeakSqeakSqeak*=[Which tournies? The ones the CD player you're listening to right now holds in it's bathroom every month?  You can't win a tourney that has no other players.]
Giovanni: No, the ones the #Pokegym holds every so often.  Although I've never actually been to one, I've heard the news through the gossip network that winds it's way through the 'Net.
And now with NO closing remarks by Cinnamin-
Cinnamin: *Sqeak*=[No closing remarks?  Tyrant.]
Giovanni: Please ignore Cinnamin-
Cinnamin: *SQEAK*=[WHAT WAS THAT?!?]
Giovanni: and Good Luck!
Cinnamin: *SqeakSqeakSqeak*=[Please ignore Giovanni (you better), and Good Luck (bah)!
-Cinnamin (the perfect-]
Giovanni: *Stashes Cinnamin back in his cage*  That's enough.  Don't make me have to redo my good-bye again.
Good Luck with Steel Chansey (and with Cinnamin)!