Effect of Rocket on Archetypes
By: The Jynxer

Jynxer here again with some more deck ideas conjured(???) up.
Today I'm here talking about future Archetypes and fixing older archetypes
with the new rocket cards out, so they can be more efficient and effective.

First off one of the best archetypes to come from rocket and most obvious
one, is "Prisoners"(my own name for it)(deck using dark muk and dark

This is the deck people dreamed of once rocket came out. In my eyes it has
potential. People have visions(or alredy have)of their own versions, here's

pokemon:                  trainers:               energy:
3 grimer(fossil)          4 night waste recovery  7 grass
2 dark muk                3 retreival             7 psychic
3 diglett(rocket version) 4 super potion          6 fighting
2 dark muk                3 gust
3 MP mewtwo               3 comp.search
                          3 bill
                          4 removal
                          3 super removal

If you don't know, the strategy is to take advantage of dark muk's poke
power by adding 2 more energy to the defending pokemon's retreat cost, and
if they dare try retreating, they have the risk of running into 20
damage.(But remember dark muk has to be the active for his poke power to

Why I put these cards in the deck:
Grimer: Fast, can evade minimal damage and needed to get dark muk.
Dark muk: Mainly in there for the poke power.
Diglett: Fast, can hit the bench and is needed for dark dugtrio.
Dark dugtrio: Poke power and it has an ok attack.
MP mewtwo: Fast, retreives energy and is there to kill fossil muk.

Night waste recovery: Get the cards needed from the discard pile, gets
dark muk, grimer, etc. back into your deck.
Retreival: Since it runs low on energy it's a key item.
Super potion: Cure dark muk when it's out using it's poke power.
Gust: Get the weak poke on the bench or fossil muk ready for Ko'ing.
Comp.seach: Get cards you need.
Bill: Drawing power.
Removals: Let them stay out while you remove energy, they won't retreat and
poisoning it will eat him\her poke alive.

Energy: Seems fine. Runs low because it uses low cost attacks with reteival
and night waste recovery.

How other archetypes will benefit:
Benchpress decks will get a great boon from dark arbok and dark raichu(great
cards). Mini Haymakers will get voltorb and abra. SpeedTuff gets a batch of
trainers which are "Smash!Challenge Form"
and "Rocket's Sneak Attack". Dark 'stoise has good attacks and would do good
in raindance, it seems to have the same problem all rocket cards have, low
But the true star in my eyes is......."ROCKET APPEARS". It goes in any deck
you can think of, now you can get the prizes you need instead of that energy
when you have a hand full of it.
Well, thanks for reading my article.
Oh yeah, I have 2 more thing to say:
1. Pojo is the best site on the net.
2. And to all you poke haters: GET OFF OUR BACKS. There is no need to make
fun of us, we do this for fun.

Well, it's time to be signing off.
The Jynxer, your over-seas link to pokemon(sort of).(trademark)
Reach me at "ryan_epsilon@hotmail.com"

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