Hi there everybody!!! First thing I would like to say is:Hey Pojo! Your
site is the best!!! I go to it every day !!!Your magazine is the best
too!!!!!please post this on your next magazine. Now back to the article.

Me and my brother have come up with a way to battle Pokémon cards 2 vs 2,
3 vs3, 4vs4, etc.
It is called TAG-TEAM.

In a Tag-Team battle, you set up your cards as usual, and see who goes
first. The teams will battle as usual, but when it's a teams turn, all
the people on that team draw a card, then attack ( if possible ) all at
the same time ( which will REALLY hurt if you attack the same person ) ,
and if one of the enemy Pokémon dies, all the people on the other team
draw a prize! Your team has to be the first one to draw all their prizes
to win.
Now, cards like Bill, when you use it, you could draw 2 cards, you draw 1
card and your teammate draws 1 card, or your teammate draws 2 cards, ( in
a bigger team, the person who uses it, chooses who draws what ) but no
matter what, 2 cards are drawn total.
Same thing with Potion,choose who you want to do it to, then remove 2
damage counters TOTAL. Also, Energy Removeal and Super Energy Removeal:
again, you choose which opponent discards the Energy. Another thing you
can do is borrow Energy and Pokemon!!
When you borrow those things, you always put them upside down, especially
Pokemon in the bench, 'cuz we all know that benching a Pokemon removes
stats effects. Then when the borrowed card dies, return it to the owners
discard pile. Another thing, attacks like "Hide in Shell", "Barrier",
"Scrunch", etc., you have to choose which opponent to do it to, but the
other opponent can still attack that Pokemon. All other attacks work like
it was a 1 vs 1 battle. Oh yeah, and if a team puts down a gym card, IT
IS A GROUP DESICION, there can only be 1 gym at a time for a team.
   I usually prefer 2vs2, bigger games get confusing

Well, just wanted to tell our ideas

                     (Ő) (Ő)

Send your ideas, e-mail, and hatemail to:   hope888@juno.com

Cory & Kyle Morris