Hey Pojomaniacs!  Goober here with some information on the Rocket set. 
Team Rocket's expansion for the trading card game features evil, mischievous,
and "dark" Pokemon trained by the evil Rockets themselves.  The set isn't
even a week old, so I thought I'd analyze uncommons for you.  Commons are
easy to come by, and you shouldn't need a knowledge of all of the rares for
the first few weeks, since it will take a while for them to circulate.  Here

Rocket Analysis

Evil Charmeleon - Uncommon - I don't really like it.  Second attack is to
chancy.  Low Hp, even for Rocket, is Charmeleon's big Weakness.  6/10

Dark Dragonair - Uncommon - Okay, but the attack sucks.  He'll see a lot of
play in evo decks, but a Muk will make him dead weight.  Pokemon Power rocks,
though.  7/10

Evil Electrode - Uncommon - Not bad, but not good.  Tackle until it's about
to die, then bomb to save energy.  Still, not powerful enough.  4/10

Evil Flareon - Uncommon - Nice.  Turn two 30 or 50 damage attack.  This is
nice, and with rainbow energy, we just might see an Eevee splash deck with
him.  8/10

Evil Gloom - Uncommon - The 50/50 Pokemon powerr could be good, but I
wouldn't take time to evolve to stage one for that.  4/10

Evil Golduck - Uncommon - Finally, Psychic has an ally to take out those
colorless without using cololess!  Third Eye is a fetch on steroids.  10/10

Evil Jolteon - Uncommon - Very nice.  a double-power smokescreen, plus
another great attack for three.  He'll be in a lot of tournament decks.  7/10

Evil Kadabra - Uncommon - Cool.  A nice attack for two that can overcome that
pesky resistance.  Plus, the Pokemon power can let you cycle through your
deck.  Couple with a nightly garbage run or two, and he's nearly perfect. 

Evil Machoke - Uncommon - It's okay, but what if I like the Pokemon my
opponent has out?  Drag off is nice, though.  Who needs Gust of Wind to take
out that one hiding in the back?  6/10

Evil Muk - Uncommon - Nice Pokemon power, coupled with a Pokemon with Hyper
beam or Whirlpool can keep anything out.  Not enough raw power, though.  7/10

Evil Persian - Uncommon - Not worth using any of the Meowths to get this. 
It's okay on it's own, though.  4/10

Evil Primeape - Uncommon - Feelin' lucky?  Don't mind the fact that if you
flip tails, you deal 50 to yourself?  Thirsty for 40, then 70 damage for 2
energy?  We've found your card.  7/10

Dark Rapidash - Uncommon - Not even close to the kind of card we already have
for Rapidash. Hp and attacks suck.  4/10

Dark Vaporeon - Uncommon - Cool.  Colorless attack makes it splashable, and
Whirlpool is really great, like Hyper beam.  Best Hp of all of the Evil
Eevees.  8/10

Evil Wartortle - Uncommon - Nice.  Makes your opponent think twice about that
one-hit-KO.  Only way to knill this one is to use a Gust of Wind.  Bad Hp,
but what can you expect from a Rocket?  7/10

Magikarp - Uncommon - Still horrible, but at least now we can search through
the deck for that Gyrados we need when we need it.  Evolving is all he's good
for.  5/10

Porygon - Uncommon - A definite improvement with 10 more Hp, and a confusing
psychic attack that can leave your opponents stunned.  6/10

The Boss's Way - Uncommon - Great in decks with Rockets, but useless
otherwise.  Maybe we can manipulate this when Neo comes out with all of their
weird names.  6/10

Challenge! - Uncommon - Either a Bill, or a great way to fill the bench. 
Either way, great when you're stuck with only one basic at the beginning. 

Imposter Oak's Revenge - Not useful at all.  At least the old one worked in
stall decks.  4/10

    Well, that's it for now.  Next time I'll analyze the commons, and then
the rares.  Stay cool, guys.

    So, until Team Rocket actually wins a battle,