Yo!  All of you, including myself, have been looking forward to the Team Rocket set.  low HP, yes, but lots of great cards.  dark golduck, dark muk, Dark Dragonaire, but one seems to stand out among the rest with its extrordinary Pokemon power.  it's the Dark Vileplume card. I'm gonna show you my dark vileplume deck which i have made on my apprentice.
4 oddish (team rocket set)
3 Dark Vileplume
4 Dratini
3 Dragonaire
3 fossil Grimer
2 Dark Muk
4 Scyther
Total pokemon: 23 (Geez!  I never thought i would use so many!)
2 Oak
4 CPU search
4 The Boss's Way
4 pokemon breeder
Total Trainers: 14 (WOAH!  that's not too many!)
25 grass energy
Total: 25
the reason why dark muk and dark dragonair are in there is because their pokemon powers let you have the effects trainers may do, like searching tools.  You get to search and your opponent doesn't.   the reason for so much energy is because there are many pokemon and you can't oak to get more energy, so you must have plenty.  i playtested this on apprentice and it did pretty good until my opponent got disconected.  Try it, it may just work for you!
-Tyler C. The Grass king