i know that my english writing sucks, but that because i'm from holland.
these two psychic pokémon are great when working together.
every one knows that Sabrina's Alakazam has a great pokémon power,
it allows you to use an attack of one of your Psychic pokémon that you have on your bench, if you have te needed energy's attached to sabrina's Alakazam.
some one already posted how great it Dark Alakazam is, so read about if you know what i mean.l
if you combine it with Sabrina's Alakazam you make a very strong team that you are allowed to use at the
East Coast Super Trainer Showdown.
this is an extra add-on to this tip.
because it is known that Jungle expension cards are not allowed, other trainers will faster except Challenge!.
with this trainer card you can fill your bench with more Psyhco pokémon so you can choose wich attack you want to copy
excample: promo card Mewtwo(14) attack: Psyburn 40 damage.
email: x_lohrber@hotmail.com
p.s. how can i write the name of a pokémon card, when i'm not allowed.
please reply this question cause, in holland we have a lot of great ideas.