The new state
of Modified
May 17th, 2002, The full Legendary Collections set
was reveiled. A set that will change modified forver and bring in the newest
format of Pokemon, Modified Modified Format(MMF). A Format which will kill
the whole Rocket sets, and the Gym Heroes/Challenge sets will also be removed
from Modified. It will simply be Neo Block-LC. People are saying: "Oh no!! I'm
going to lose now!" That's not all true. For if you look at LC it's not really
that strong. People have been saying: "Wizards Screwed up badly this
time." or "Why did they put Breeder in it, that's totally crazy." Well, I'll
tell you why. Wizards didn't screw up, if you look closely, you can see that
there are actually equal stregths now in Modified. The fire has been destined to
make a return, and has, The grass getting some very new valuable Pokemon, the
only type that was been getting really left out is...Water. Dark Blastoise is
nothing compared to Blastoise, yet, think for a second. Most people say
that "Blastoise is broken." No, it isn't. It's just a fast deck and you
all know it. You complain about it and whine about it because you LOSE
from it. Anyway, back to the Article, Blastoise wouldn't be strong in
Modified as to opposed to Unlimited. It wouldn't be as quick without
it's Oaks, Computer Searches, Item Finders, etc. That's the only part
Wizards screwed up on. And maybe the part that Wigglytuff wasn't in the
set. But anyway, Wizards was trying to balance the game, balance the
types, They weren't trying to hurt it, only fix it. I think the new state of
Modified will be awesome, but too many competitive decks now. Fire is way too
~|Tedevans222| [Ted Evans]
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