What's up everyone? First off, this is mt favorite part of the site. Anyways, I don't have much to say, but I'll say it. Whenever I read the articles I always get negative vibes. Maybe it's just me. I just want to say thanks to everyone who writes in, but chill. People are too serious, just chill. It's only a game. Who cares about hays wreaking havoc, have fun. Play the game, beat the decks, chill. Don't complain,get better. Life's too short to complain, have fun. Keep playin for fun. Don't take yourself too seriously, it's a game. Wow I'm using a lot of commas, look I just did one, theres another. Sorry. Oh yeah, Rocket's Zapdos. This is a card that can have several uses. People see him as the Trapper guy. He is, but he has other uses. He has some spongelike characteristics like Mewtwo. Don't put him in a Sponge though. I mean he could be good in low energy decks and use energy flow to get used energy. Like what Ness said about Lt. Surge's holo Buzz. Zappy woks well with that Buzz, ya know getting back the lost energy while doing damage. I proise you that electric Wigglies are gonna show up. Using Zappy and Buzz and quite possibly Surges Buzzs. You may disagree, but I see Zappy replacing Scyther. For Scyther haters that is. They will use Zappy for the resistance and the cheap attacks. And we all knew this bad boy would appear in Haymakers. In fact I've seen him in rocket poipourris. Which is a tight deck using TR Scyther, TR Hitmonchan and the Zappy. This is a strong deck if made and used properly, trust me. He is also a candidate for the savior of electric decks. It's amazing how much creativity this card can cause. Many electric decks are being played simply for the love of this card. In closing, chill, it's only a game. See past the popular uses for cards and be original. Later.
mail me at cdnavarra@i-55.com