    It is very hard to pull the cards you want out of a pack. I have built 2 decks with about 30 rares in each. I didn't just buy 30 packs and magically get the cards to build a good decks. What I actually did was, I created a wordpad document and made a dream deck(my first was the original haymaker, it was all the rage at the time ). After I did that I tried to trade for the cards I needed for the deck. It actually took me about a month to build that haymaker. It takes a while to get the cards you need to build good decks. If you look at the odds, you have a very slim chance to pull that wigglytuff, scyther, hitmonchan, electabuzz, etc out of a pack. So basically you just pray you get one of the cards you need or a card that someone else wants. Don't be afraid to trade for a card, to trade for another card, to trade for the card you need. Well that is about all the advice I can give you.
PS: I am an entrepeneur deck mechanic, so if you have a deck you want tuned up I would be very apreciative if you give me a chance to fix it for you.