Hello everyone
It is a fact that the number of electric decks are rising. This is due to things like team rockets Zapdos which rule. This is bad news for water decks. However there are some things water can do to stop electric decks. My first tip is to use Gyarados or Poliwrath which have weakness to GRASS, no electric. These pokemon are quite good & help beat electric decks. And if you vs a grass deck, use Blastoise or something similar instead of Gyrados or Poliwrath. Even better than Poliwrath or Gyarados is Articuno who has No weakness. I know it takes a long time to power up but Raindance can help. It always helps a water deck. Lastly use gusts to bring out the pokemon with no energy for a quick kill. Make sure you have some pluspowers to help.
For any questions, comments or anything else, my address is Chrisd@tokyonet.com.au
Russian Ninja