This will be a fairly long list, but here goes!
Note: The ratings DO NOT reflect the position of a card, so just because a card is low on the list, it doesn't mean it won't get a high rating, and vice versa.
20. Full Heal - Just cures of Paralysis, Sleep, Confusion and Poison. Still playable.
Rating: 8.5
19.  Challenge! - Fills the Bench really quickly. Good Wiggly attack starter.
Rating: 7.0
18. Blaine's Last Resort - A substitute Professor Oak with no discarding.
Rating: 7.5
17. Misty's Wrath - It's a bad Bill.
Rating: 5.0
16. Here Comes Team Rocket! - Know what your Prizes are really quickly, which always helps. You'll know which ones to choose.
Rating: 8.5
15. Erika - A good way to deck your opponent. Hypno's Prophecy, Erika and The Rocket's Trap make an excellent combo!
Rating: 9.0
14. Blaine - Attaching Fire Energy on Blaine's Poke'mon is just simply wonderful. Blaine's Poke'mon are one of the best in the Gym Challenge and Gym Heroes.
Rating: 8.5 (because it only works on Blaine's Poke'mon).
13. Cinnabar Gym - Ignores Water Weakness. Looks like Blaine's Poke'mon are going to last much longer in battle.
Rating: 8.0
12. Max Revive - You discard two Energy cards to return a Basic Poke'mon to your Bench. Just use Energy Retrieval to get those Energy back!
Rating: 9.5
11. Rocket's Secret Expeiment
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. If tails, you can't use this Trainer until the end of your next turn.
A Computer Search that works all the time, but a terrible setback: long Trainer usage delay!
Rating: 6.5
10. No Removal Gym - Puts the stomp on E.R and S.E.R, unless they're actually prepared to discard two cards each time!
Rating: 9.0
9. Lass - Ultimate Trainer Disrupter. Using Lass against a Trapper deck is like putting a flame over a plastic container filled with gasoline.
Rating: 7.5
8. PlusPower - Add damage. Simple.
Rating: 8.0
7. Defender - Reduce damage by 20. Works a lot with certain Poke'mon.
Rating: 8.5
6. Bill - Draw two extra cards when you need them. Great card.
Rating: 9.0
5. Energy Removal - Messes up most decks. Prevent 'em from attacking.
Rating : 8.0
4. Super Energy Removal - Make REALLY sure that your opponent doesn't attack.
Rating: 9.0
3. Item Finder - Retrieve a Trainer from your discard pile. An easy no brainer for trainer loss situations.
Rating: 8.5
2. Computer Search - Draw a card. Any card. Discarding two cards hurts a bit. If you can, make them Energy, then use Energy Retrieval.
Rating: 9.5
1. Professor Oak - Still a champion. Get rid of a bad hand, get a new, fresh one. Do I really need to explain?
Rating: 11
20. Erika's Jigglypuff - 40 damage first turn! I think you get the idea!
Rating: 7.5
19. Dark Dragonite - A really powerful card. Transonic Boy was right. Summon Minions works okay, as a Basic Poke'mon retriever. Giant Tail, chance of 70 second turn! What an Anti - Haymaker Poke'mon!
Rating: 7.0
18. Brock's Golbat - An all - attacking Poke'mon. Dark Golbat and Brock's Golbat have an interesting combo, adding to that 10 damage.
Rating: 7.5
17. Rocket's Snorlax - Restless Sleep is unreliable 'cause only half the time it will actually have effect. Rocket's Snorlax and Full Heal don't do well together.
Rating: 6.5
16. Sabrina's Mr. Mime - Sleight of Hand is its strong point. Retrieve 3 Energy from your deck, and you can do this: Use Sleight Of Hand to get a Grass Energy and a Double Colorless Energy to charge Scyther very quickly. Then, retreat Sabrina's Mr. Mime and start the onslaught of Scyther!
Rating: 8.0
15. Brock's Zubat - Alert is half a Bill and a Switch. That's the only exceedingly good thing about it, 'cause with 30 HP, 'battle' is not in Brock's Zubat's vocabulary.
Rating: 4.5
14. Dark Hypno - In a Challenge! deck - perfect. Best ultlizes its skill with a full Bench.
Rating: 8.0
13. Dark Flareon - Can't decide which evolution for Eevee will work? Use Rainbow Energy for more damage to Rage! Playing with Fire is a cheap, powerful attack.
Rating: 8.0
12. TR Machop - Hitmonchan substitute. The best one.
Rating: 7.5
11. Dark Vileplume - Use Devolution Spray( Hey, it DOES have a use!) to play Trainers, then evolve back to stop The Trainer Flow.
Rating: 8.5
10. Koga's Muk - Energy Drain saves those E.R and S.E.R more than ever for those really needed times for E.R and S.E.R. isn't affected by No Removal Gym, either. Sludge Whrilpool is powerful and not Energy intensive, as with most Grass Poke'mon.
Rating: 9.0
9. Sabrina's Alakazam
Rating: 9.5
8. Misty's Gyarados
Rating: 9.0 (if it were'nt for Rebellion, this card would have got 10.5)!
7. Blaine's Arcanine
6. Blastoise
5. Wigglytuff
4. Electabuzz
Rating: 9.5
3. Rocket's Scyther
2. Rocket's Zapdos
Rating: 12
1. Scyther
Rating: 12
P.S : I am EXTREMELY SORRY for not putting strategies for the last nine Poke'mon. I was very tired thus had to leave out the strategies and only put the ratings. While doing so, I realized that the strategies for these Poke'mon are in my other articles. Again I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
- UltraMaster64