I have here my list of the top 5 trainers, Poke'mon and Energy (I'll explain that later on).
Let's start, shall we?
1. Scyther
 You just gotta love this card! 60 damage by turn 2 is always appriciated!
2. Electabuzz
It's as if people don't worry about Resistance when this card is used! Thundershock is great, and Thunderpunch is just awesome! Good job, Electabuzz!
3. Blaine's Rapidash
Finally, a Fire Poke'mon that is  worthwhile! Stamp makes Scyther a little more of a target.
4. Wigglytuff
 Do The Wave is way too good! Watch out for cards like Narrow Gym, which stop it a little.
5. Blastoise
Poke'mon Breeder and this card make perfect pals. Use Poke'mom Breeder and you can get Blastoise by turn 2! Plus, a fully loaded Blastoise using Rain Dance as well? I LOVE THIS CARD!!!!!!
1. Computer Search
Pike a card, any card. While you're at it, discard two other cards in order to use this Trainer. Gets the right card when you need it, something Professor Oak can't do sometimes.
2. Super Energy Removal
 Hey, if I can't attack, you can't attack, either! When those times come, this is the perfect card. Beware, though, No Removal Gym makes this card literally unplayable.
3. Scoop Up
 Best works on Basic Poke'mon which do not evolve. When there's a lot of damage on one of your Poke'mon, use Scoop Up to make it as good as new!
4. Lass
If you know what's in your opponent's deck, and if there are a lot of Trainers in that deck, this card just DESTROYS it!
5. Poke'mon Trader
With this card, you can trade good Poke'mon for bad Poke'mon, or vice versa (for whatever reason). For example, Electabuzz for a card like VIctreebel!!! 'Nuff said.
Now for the Energy. What I meant was my 5 favourite Energy(not the Basics.) The only 5 I am talking about are Rainbow, Recycle, Double Colorless, Full Heal and Potion, so basiclly I am putting them in the order I like them.
1. Double Colorless Energy
 This is my favourite. Colorless Poke'mon really benefit from this card, letting them use strong attacks in a short time.
2. Full Heal Energy
While healing my Poke'mon of Sleep, Confusion, Paralysis or Poison, I get an Energy as well! Really useful.
3. Recycle Energy
Like an unlimited Energy supply.
4. Potion Energy
The same as Full Heal Energy, except it's like half a Potion.
5. Rainbow Energy
 Let's just say it sucks. A lot.
That's enough for the day - UltraMaster64. Email me at kimvanib@ caribsurf.com.