Begin Transmission

Hello, I am the Rocket Scientist!  I am here to give you strategies on
Pokémon cards. (Of course!)  This may be my 1st article that I have submitted
to PoJo, but don't underestimate my knowledge!  Anyway, back to the subject. 
Today, we will look at...

The Top 5 Stallers of Base/Jungle/Fossil!!!

Alright, shall we start now?  Good.  Let's begin.

5th place goes to...
Rarity: Rare Holo

Charizard gets 5th place due to its high HP.  (120!)  You can't forget the
Big Char's resistance to Fighting.  Char's high retreat of 3 energies really
makes it hard for The Zard.  Plus, it is a Stage 2 Pokémon, which really
makes it hard to get Charizard early.  But with a Charmander and a Pokémon
Breeder in your hand, you are set!  (I just can't not put Charizard on the
list due to its high HP and the resistance to Fighting!  Oh, and that wasn't
improper grammar!)
Now, we shall move on...

4th place goes to...
Fossil Haunter!
Rarity: Rare/ Rare Holo

How can you not resist this card?  It's great!  Well, the down-sides to
Haunter are that it has just a mere 50 HP!  Dead in an instant against a
macho stage 2 Pokémon!  Plus, Haunter is a Stage 1 Pokémon.  That doesn't
help much now, does it?  The real power in Haunter is, yes, you guessed it. 
The Pokémon Power, Tranparency!  What makes this Power so excellent is that
it requires NO energy, (it's a Pokémon Power!  Of course the Powers don't
require any energy!)  Plus, it's on all the time!  You won't forget about
turning it on, or anything!  (Just don't forget about the coin flip!)  Also,
this power works from the bench!  Plus, Haunter has that Resistance to
Fighting if a Fist Fighting Pokémon would ever get past the Transparency!
Next up...

The winner of 3rd place is...
Mr. Mime!
Rarity: Rare/ Rare Holo

Mr. Mime rocks!  Mime's Pokémon Power says that any attack that does 30
damage or more does nothing!  And unlike Haunter's Power there is no coin
flip needed.  That's the thing I like about Mr. Mime.  You may not be able to
block all damage, but you have perfect accuracy!  The bad things about Mime
is that it has 40 HP (That's low!)  Another thing is a Nidoking can beat Mime
in one shot with Toxic!  (That hurts!)  Mime's Meditate rocks, also.

2nd place is awarded to...
Rarity: Rare Holo

So, did you think Chansey would be in 1st place?  Nope!  You were wrong!  The
thing I like about Chansey is its Scrunch attack.  Scrunch can stop all
damage, but not effects.  Chansey also has a Retreat Cost of one, which I
like.  The Big Egg (which is Chansey) doesn't fare too well against Hay'
decks, so don't try letting it fight against Fighting Pokémon.  Put Chansey
up against Psychic Pokémon due to its resistance.  Double-Edge is dangerous,
so you might want to have full health, and be packing a couple Defenders.

1st place is awarded to...  Drum roll please...
Rarity: Uncommon
Just kidding!  Actually, the real winner of first place is...  Drum roll
again, please...
Rarity: Rare Holo

Mewtwo rules due to its Barrier attack.  For just 2 Psychic energies, and
then discarding one, Mewtwo rocks, preventing all damage and all status
effects!  This is just too cool!  Mewtwo's average HP (60 to be exact)  Is
okay.  Barrier makes up for that, though.  Mewtwo's Psychic attack works
well, also.  But the Retreat Cost of 3 really hurts Mewtwo.  You'd better
have a Switch in your deck!  The bottom line is...  Mewtwo rules in stalling!
Next time, we will be looking at...

Well, there you have it!  The top 5 stallers of Base/Jungle/Fossil!
See you next time!

-The Rocket Scientist

End Transmission