Hola, que pasa, buenos nachos, and other spanish words.

Kirby:  Are we there yet?

Robodude:  Kirby, were not going anywhere

K:  Oh yeah...

R:  Onto the deck!

Pokemon:  23
3     Sabrina's abra (Psyscan)
3     Sabrina's Kadabra
3     Sabrina's Alakazam
1     Telekinesis Mewtwo
4     Slowpoke (TR,Genisis, or both)
4     Slowking
2     Promo Misdreavus
2     Non-holo Revelation Lugia
1     Cleffa

Trainers:  15
2     Sabrina's Gaze
3     Sabrina's ESP
2     Chaos Gym
2     Gold Berry
4     Focus Band
2     Nightly Garbage run

Energys:  22
18   Psychic
2     Metal
2     Recycle

R:   I know, looks more like a prop-15 deck than a modified deck, but with slowkings running around all over the place you can't be to careful...

K:  Here are the strategies.

            S's Alakazam+Misdreavus+Focus band
      70 damage is nothing to joke about.

            S's Alakazam+Lugia+Sabrina's ESP
      80 damage is nothing to joke about either.

            Election 2000
      Now THAT'S something to joke about.

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