"Once again I am free to smite the world as I did in days long past"
      -Aku of "Samurai Jack"

"So now.  Time for us to play"

"But it wasn't me Sara, I always put the seat down!"
      -Ed of "Ed Edd and Eddy"

      I figure If Ness does quotes why shouldn't I?



Kirby:  Robodude I have a great idea!

Robodude:  So do I!

K:  Let's hear yours!

R:  Eels in your pants!

K:  Eww!

R:  It's the latest fad!  What was your idea?

K:  A NEO Revelation Hidden Power card report!

R:  Screw my idea, Here are the "NEO REVELATION HIDDEN POWER CARDS!"

            10.  Non-holo Lugia
      Not many people realize that the coin flip is optional

            9.  Murkrow
K:   This Card is a threat to us Psychics!
R:  That's why it's here.

            8.  Quagsire
      In Modified format you take what you get.

            7.  Non-holo Ho-oh
      This can be simply DEVASTATING!!

            6.  Breeder Feilds
      Like I said, in modified format you take what you get

            5.  Entei
      Works great with Pokedex

            4.  Misdreavus
      Only problem is, how will it stay alive for 3 turns?

            3.  Jumpluff
      Now that's fast

            2.  Parasect
      To help Gatr or not to help Gatr.  That is the question.

            1.  Porygon 2
      With a little strategy, this could be the DEFINITION of metagame.

R:  And now, Kirby's Krakpot predictions.

K:  No can do.

R:  Come again?

K:  I've been receiving images of team rocket making a clone more powerful than mewtwo.  I've got to stop them!!

R:  Alright.  I'll just find a co-host

Which of the 18 Gym leaders would you like me to pick as a co-host?
a.  Brock
b.  Misty
c.  Lt. Surge
d.  Erika
e.  Sabrina
f.  Koga (R/B/Y)
g.  Janine (G/S/C)
h.  Blaine
i.  R/B/Y Viridian Gym leader (who is that guy anyway?)
j.  Blue (Gary?) (G/S)
k.  Falkner
l.  Bugsy
m.  Whitney
n.  Morty
o.  Chuck
p.  Jasmine
q.  Pryce
r.  Clair
