Hi, this is my first card strategy I have posted ever. First of I want to say that if you like what I say or don't, of jest want to talk about what I am saying, send me a e-mail to jlmorin3@earthlink.net (Ask for Jamison). One night while I was sorting through my cards I saw that a few pokemon had one or two energy attacks that relied on the damage counters and energy cards on pokemon. The attacks were "Flail" on Sudowoodo and Donphan, "Rage" on Onix and Dotrio, "Psywave" on Mew and "Psychic" on Mewtwo. These attacks need your opponent to attach energy cards to their pokemon and deal damage to yours. Its a hard deck to master, but if you can its dangerous. I would put in two or three Resistance Gyms jest in case you come up against a pokemon that has resistance to yours. Play some energy removals and defenders at the right time and you have a deck that has possibility if played right, but be warned, if not played right it can utterly fall apart on you. Also I want to say that Professor Oak and Eco Gym ARE NOT A COMBO!  Eco gym reads that if a Pokemon power, attack, or trainer dicards a persons non colorless energy from a POKEMON, not your hand, POKEMON , return that energy to your hand! I don't know why they think you get to keep the energy when you Oak it, but you don't. The Gym says nice and clear that only energy from pokemon and not your hand return to your hand. I jest wanted to clear that up. Thanks.