
      And now the History of the TCG according to myself.

            Base Set
      I don't know about you, but I was just a little kid in 3rd or 4th grade!  Sure me and a kid older than me played with our own rules (No energy, no trainers, infinite number of pokemon on bench, ect.).  I don't recall the leauge being big then, but the best deck in that time was probably a ol' school hay (Hitmonchan and Electabuzz)

      It was the summer of that year where I was going to become a 4th grader (or was it 5th grader?).  Anyway me and my friend were still at it.  He had a pretty mean Charizard+Vileplum combo.  A card that was essential to him and many other people was Wigglytuff.  It was more essential to him because he could have a bench of up to 296 pokemon!!!

      Pokemon's popularity was starting to die down a little and players of the TCG were dropping like flies.  I suckered my sister into trading me her Hitmonlee for something.  I'm not sure how the leauge was but I would imagine Raindance was pretty big with the debut of Lapras and all.  I would imagine that Ditto was HUGE at that point (although It's pretty hard to belive that Ditto was big at any point =/).

            Base Set 2
      Not much to talk about here.  I challenged one of my other friends to a no energy, no trainer match (This guy was a few weeks younger than me).  I won ^_^.  I think my older friend quit.

            Team Rocket
      All I know is that challenge helped Wiggly.  My friend learned the rules of the TCG and got his revenge on me that summer.  Although I must admit I was pretty jealous that he had a Mew and I didn't (at that point I was more of a collector).

            Gym Heroes
      Erika's Dratini was born!  FTKO (I have no Idea what that stands for) sort of became an alliance with raindance.  I hadn't even had a taste of the leauge yet (Probably for the best though...).  I built (or tried to build) a really bad stall deck to try and beat my friend.  I lost to his horrible Hay variants.

            Gym Challenge
      My friend introduced me to Pojo.  I launched my first "Hidden Power Cards" report in November.  I didn't really pay much attention to this set that much so I had no idea what Rocket's Zapdos was.  All I remember was that sponge and Hay were at their peaks.

            NEO GENISIS
      At that point my friend stopped caring and sent me all his cards later that year.  I FINALLY discovered a ste that could possibly turn the game upside-down, backwards, side to side, add water and shirvel it up..  Gatr, Sneasel, Typhlosion, Slowking, you name it!!  It destroyed a lot of decks.  But the only flaw was the junky Rocket on format.

            NEO Discovery
      Ness was right, it was full of crap.  Sure we got Igllybuff, Houndoom, Umbreon and Tyranitar, but...

            Southern Islands
      I introduced my Mew, Kirby.

KIRBY:  Hello!!

ROBODUDE:  Not now Kirby!  Speaking of Mews, The southern Islands Mew was born.  Thanks for the reminder Kirb!

K:  No problem!

R:  I also went to a leauge for the first time!

            NEO Revelation
      For all I know, people are still experimenting with cards.  Although, one card has not been mentioned that has enormous untapped power.  **cough*Porygon2*cough**cough**

So now here I am.  A 7th grader.  Not having the guts or the cards to enter the STS.  But even so I consider life good (Except for the fact that I have a book report due tomorrow).
