Fossil, and how it effects the Pokemon TCG

Clefairy/Clefable vs. Ditto
Ditto Clefairy/Clefable
Basic                requires less energy
Never able to use it's own weakness
         and resistance*

Switch vs. Full Heal
     Back to Ditto, Swith will let you bring someone else up AND will
delete any status effects.  But, Swith can also help switch other
pokemon if you cannot retreat.

   This is a powerful pokemon.  Muk has a pokemon power that will
prevent any other pokemon from using a pokemon power.  Raindance, Stall
decks, Invisible wall decks will be shutdown.

   THis pokemon is pretty good but lacks attacking ability.  It will
take 3 energy cards to attck the oppenent's active which will do 50
damage.  It's other move, 2 energy, will do 20 damage to one of the
opponents benched pokemon no matter the weakness and resistance.

  This is ALRIGHT.  3 energy to do 30 and a chance of paralysis.
Blizzard, 4 energy, will do 50; flip a coind, if heads 10 damage to the
opponenets bench; if tails, the opposite.  Not bad team up with
Blastoise or Gengar.  Pretty good bench disruptor.

   When ever a pokemon tries to attack Haunter, your opponent has to
flip a coin.  If heads, that attck fails.  No retreat cost or weakness.
Other move does 10 and the pokemon is asleep without flipping.   Gengar
has a pokemon power that you can use once per turn.  You may move 1
damage counter from of your opponenet's benched pokemon to another.
Other move is like jungle pikachu's except that does 30 and requires 3

Well thats it from now.  If you want to chat about advice, decks or
anything e-mail me at-
