Okay,so these cards sound like they would suck together. But they don't.
To win with these cards, first send out Muk, and disable your opponent's
Pokemon Powers. Then use Devolution Spray to get it back to a puny Grimer.
After that, evolve Magikarp into to Gyrados right before you use
Aerodactly's Prehistroric Power. Then beat up all your opponent's Basics and
win the game.

  To make this possible,you must use the 4 Computer Searches, and 4
Pokeballs to find all the Pokemon, and Trainer cards you need. Here is the
deck made using this stratigy.

13 Water Energy
11 Grass Energy
4 Magikarp
4 Gyrados
4 Grimer
3 Muk
3 Switch
4 Pokeball
4 Computer Search
2 Devolution Spray

                    If you agree, or disagree with me. E-Mail
                    me, the TCG Man, at tcgman007@hotmail.com

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