Hey Pojo love your site and please post this.

This message is for all of you beginner through expert Pokemon TCG collectors.

Pokemon is very difficult game to understand beginners so dont be
discouraged.  Also as we know the new merger is going to happen which will
help us be able to actually see booster packs.  And also for you intense
expert fans the fossil packs will come out so just stay cool.  Another of my
ideas that I personally think is good is to go with making two kinds of
Pokemon for each deck.  Below I will tell you what you have to do to get
these kind of decks.

Fire= I recommend fire for the intense and expert Pokemon players.  Also you
have to know how to use those energy burn attacks that almost all of those
fire Pokemon have.  I suggest to have your energy retrievals and Pokeballs
because that is important to find those evolution cards.

Water= I recommend expert but not so intense players.  You will need a lot of
switches and alot of time to get good enough cards to play with this deck. 
You want this kind of deck you have got to find some of those hard to find
ones suck as Blastoise and Poliwrath.  Pokeballs and switches are the
trainers I most recommend.

Fighting=  Recommended for experienced players.  For using fighting
successfully you will have to get the new fossil or the Japanese cards to use
this.  If you dont want to use Japanese or you dont want to wait add some
colorless. The fighting can make you very strong though.  I recommend lots of
potions because many things have resistance to fighting Pokemon.

Phycic=  Recommended for players that are expert.  The reason for being
expert is that there are not very many physhic and you will need to pull
every string though.  Mr. Mime is a must.  Some of the hardest cards to find
are physhic.  And remember to use  enough switches.

Electric= Recommended for advanced players.  These cards arent as hard to
find and there are enough to make a deck of.  If you choose to use all of the
lighting Pokemon put in plenty of energy and potions.  Zapdos can be very
useful if used correctly.

Grass=  This is good for every player from beginner to expert.  There are
plenty of grass Pokemon to choose from.  Because of there numbers you will
have to leave out some of them.  Venusaur leads this group and is the best
one and hardest to collect of them.  I recommend plenty of Pokeballs because
of the evolutions of most of them.

Colorless=  Mostly for beginners because you can use any energy card after
you get a starter set.  There are many good Pokemon in this group but I
cannot choose.  If you know email me and I will tell you that below.  I
highly recommend this for beginners.  They all have pretty high energy
retreat cost so have some switches.  Remember you can through any kind of
energy card in there.
Remember Pokemon lovers not to lose hope and keep trying until you can kick
other decks ***.

If you have any comments or questions, hate mail or complements email me at
Love your site Pojo and please post this.