Ok Everyone,

    This is how you make a fast, effective, and actually good Raindance.

    Number one.  4/4/4 Squirtle/Breeder/Blastoise.  I know, I was a little
skeptical at first, but Scott Gerhardt told me and I didn't believe him at
first, but I finally gave in and I don't know if I will ever go back to
Wartortle.  Raindance needs speed and Breeder gives it to the deck.

    Number two.  Card Drawing.  4 Oaks/2-4 Bills/2-4 Gamblers (used in
combination with Bill).  If you have 2 Bills, use 2 Gamblers, and so forth. 
Gamblers are very risky and I wouldn't suggest them to everyone.  It may
just be safer to run 4 Bills and forget about Gambler.

    Number three.  Comp Search and Item Finder.  I don't care who you are,
you need 4 of each.  A Raindance needs as many possibilites as you can have
in order to go off.

    Number four.  Energy and Energy Retrieval.  If you run a high amount of
energy you may not need Retrievals, but if you run a low amount of energy
you will need them.  And if you are ever in a bind, and I have been, Item
Find the Retrieval, because late game, you aren't gonna need a lot of the
cards you have in your hand.

    Number five.  This is more of a meta-game than anything.  The 2 major
Weaknesses to this deck are:  Mr. Mime and Electric (mainly 'Buzz).  To
combat Mime, simply add, Lapras or Jigglypuff.  The Puff is the perfect
counter for Mime and if your opponent doesn't have one, he makes perfect
Item Finder, Comp Search and Energy Retrieval fodder.  Or, throw him out as
Active and use Sing to stall.  Lapras is another good one, because you can
Raindance him.  To combat 'Buzz you would need Gusts, maybe Energy Removal,
and you might even consider PlusPowers.  Blastoise can do 60 and 'Buzz can
still kill 'Stoise if you leave him alive with energy on him, so PlusPower
isn't a bad thing to throw in, or Removal.

    People please read this and learn from it.  I know what I am talking
about.  I have done tons of Raindance research and these findings are the
best I have seen yet.  But, Raindance won't last forever and neither will
Haymaker, so play them while you can, and good luck.

   El_Ravager from the E.R.