First off, I am writing this to Pojo, because frankly I didn't know who
else to write this too, but this needs to be said for all avid Pokemon fans
out there, and you guys are the biggest Pokemon site.

As everyone knows, Pokemon has taken the world by storm. From the Record
selling card game, to the also record selling Pokemon Yellow. I too am one
of the many addicted Pokemon fans that is "trying to catch them all" from
the cards to the figures, and more. But I am greatly disappointed as to
what is going on in the world of Pokemon. Pokemon is merely a game. It's
just like mario, (only mario never got a card game), and what people are
doing is sick. 75 percent of people who own Pokemon the card game cards do
not know how to play. They don't know that there beloved Pikachu isn't as
good as Machop, and people take advantage of that. In the card game Magic:
The Gathering, the best cards are the highest priced. In Pokemon, the
cutest is the highest priced. A Hitmonchan, the best single foil, costs a
collector a mere 8-15 dollars, while the popular and mediocre Charizard
costs kids at least 30 dollars. And unsuspecting parents pay this
horrendous amount for their child who will probably have it stolen at
school in a week or so. If we could teach the kids with the rich parents
how to play, we would have some worthy competitors, but instead we are beat
out on that Alakazam for our decks by the rich kid who doesn't have one,
only to be put in a book and collect dust. Then theres the pack problem. We
all know there is a shortage of packs, but people are again using that
against the innocent and unsuspecting. I have seen jungle packs go for 15
dollars. And the worst part is people are buying them for that horrendous
price. Did people ever take advantage of kids when Care Bears where
popular?? NO!

Pokemon is something kids can relate to and enjoy with each other. Put a
group of kids who hate each other in a room with Pokemon, and all the hate
is cured.

However, the Pokemon fans are also the villains in this case. When I
started Pokemon, I bought the Game Boy Game (Red) and was immediately
hooked. I had not even heard of Pokemon, and it wasn't popular. Same with
the cards. I saw the packs, bought a few, and was hooked. (Being a Magic
player helped though) This was before they were popular. Then they become
"popular" and all hell breaks loose. Kids hear that Pokemon is hot, so know
they have to have it. And my all time pet peeve, I hear kids saying this:
"I'll only keep until there not popular, then get rid of them." Damn
Brat!!! I will keep my cards till I die. You shouldn't love something
because everyone else does, love it for the game, the complexity, the
strategy, the story, the characters, the moves, and every other aspect that
makes Pokemon special. With attitudes like this, Pokemon will be gone in a
year! And that will be disastrous. All the money people paid for there
cards will have been a waste, since values will plumit, and cards will
become unpopular. And for those of us still wanting to play, the only
goodness out of this would be that we could finally make a Charizard deck
for under 50 dollars.

Finally, lets leave Pokemon special. Everyone from scam artists that make
fake cards and toys, to the TV companys that are making the Pokemon Copies
(aka Digimon and Monster Rancher [both shown of FOX]). Pokemon is special,
leave it at that. Let us enjoy it for the time we can. Nintendo, Wizards,
and even WB, please do not take advantage of us. Some of us are actually in
it for the love of the games, and the interestingness of the cartoon. I
know my family is.

Thank you for hearing me out. Let's see if we can change Pokemon from a
marketing product, to a legend!!!!!

Stephen Mortimer