Hey Pojo,

            I think your site is the best pokesite on the web. Keep at it.

    My article involves the dealing of damage. Not all pokemon have a
designated number of damage. You may have to flip coins or count damage
counters. This is how I see it. Say, for example, Primaepe's Fury Swipes.
Flip 3 coins does 20 damage times the number of heads. This attack would
probably average about 35 damage since the coin would land 0 heads
occasionally,1 heads a lot,2 heads a lot, and 3 heads occasionally. So here
they are, the cards who do the most damage

80 Damage per turn

70 Damage per Turn

60 Damage per turn

50 Damage per Turn

            Calen Daugherty

            P.S.    Charizard Lovers send death threats to Ivysaur982aol.com