Ok, something that I belive would benifet your playing style, balance out your evolution family's to 3/2 or 4/3. Never have singles of any card in your deck unless it is being subbed in or used for metagaming. Subbing something in like say, 2 Bill and 1 Challenge, Challenge is acting as a bill, but also allowing for the drawage of basics, but not always reliable (thus using
1). An example of metagaming is say your playing in a tournament (Haymaker uses 30+ tariners with all basics, and by the way, I play one now and love them) where Haymakers are popular, not the only type, but their; for that you would use say Erika's Dratini as metagame, and only 1 (possibly 2 depending) as he is not the power of the deck but nice in certain situations.
2.) Metagame also means to defend what your playing as well though, like playing a Haymaker with Hitmonchan to Metagame Tuff's and Buzzes.

Another nice playing style, well this isn't really a style, but a trainer basis most decks should consist of, with maybe card counts at different amounts:

3 Bill
4 Oak
3 Search
3 Finder
Ok, this doesn't mean every deck needs this, but it helps. My decks I play look like this or very very simliar. Try fitting this into your deck replacing your old drawing system. I usually play 1 more Search, but in decks not oriented for so much speed it isn't needed.

Another thing is pokemon, I never try to have over 21 or under 9. Keep this in mind as well. On average try for 17-18. I usually pay 9-13, but that's because I run really tight on them.

Also, a tip on energy: With the drawing basis above and the addition of 2-3 Nightly Garbage Run, you can run alot lower on energy, I try to never have under 13 or over 23. On average try for 17-18. This and the above statements are very important when building a deck as well as what will be below... And I play anywhere from 14-16 usually.

The trainer base, after the drawing/search, should be filled with disruptivty and little to none for recovery. Great Disruptors are Rocket's Sneak Attack, The Rocket's Trap, Super Energy removal, Energy Removal, Gust of Wind, ect. The best Recovery that I currently run 3-4 of is Scoop Up, and the only other good one I see is Pokemon Center if played in the right decks. Potion is nice, but doesn't help too much especially since most the pokemon kill even with give or take 20 damage in 2 turns. 4 Plus Power should be run in any aggresive deck, helping give that 1 turn or 2 turn KO. Oh, and most decks should run at least 3 RSA, I paly 3-4, and teh reasoning is because a first turn 1-2 RSA(s) can just about give you the game.

That is all I can think of for now, I know it is my playing style but if you try it I'm sure it would be of help, then adapt yourself and change what I have said a bit into your liking.
Some other terms I would like to discuss are that of Solid, Tight, Top-Decking, Tweaked, and Blackout. Their are others but these are a few of the ones I can think of off hand..
Solid- This term litterally means a strong nice deck, being tweaked pretty well as so the deck can handle metagame or basically just handle nicely. This is almost the same as the word tight but a bit different. Solid means the deck is good, after tweaking, ect......
Tight- This term, like said above, is the same as Solid almost, except Solid is the term given to a good deck, but this can even be given to a weak deck, but meaning that the deck is tweaked so perfect that tweaking it anymore would lose it's top-notched power.
Top-Decking- This term basically means drawing. It means what you draw next turn from the top of your deck. Let's say you need to draw an Oak, you need to Top-Deck one.
Tweaked- This Term means fixing or adding/removing certain cards to make the deck perform better.
Blackout- This means running the opponent out of basics. Most know winning as decking the opponent or winning because of plain old grabbing all the prizes, or having more prizes because of running out of time, but balckout is hardly used. I have not yet found a term for running out of time or garbbing all prizes that is commonly used as of now.
Ok, a few more things before I go. Some people don't understand a few abrieviations as well so I help them out. The one I am unsure of is IMO, which I believe is In My Opinion, and IMHO I believe is In My Honest Opnion (Please Email me if I am wrong).
GoW means Gust Of Win(d)
RSA means Rocket Sneak Attack
SER means Super Energy Removal
ER means Energy Removal
NGR means Nightly Garbage Run
TRT means The Rocket's Trap
IOR means Imposter Oak's Revenge
These are all I can think of for now. If anyone needs some help on one, ask me and I should know. Oh, and this is one I didn't find out about till later.. WotC is Wizards of the Coast. I am an ametuer deck mech and help fix decks for people who want advixe or tehir deck fixed and PoJo has not posted it or cannot wait for PoJo. This is somehwhat a helper service to PoJo, I have fixed about 200 decks for people with no complaints. And email me if wanna talk strategy about the game or other stuff, like I play magic and watch DBZ, ect. This is Kazer, signing out.
Name- Hanni
Nickname- Kazer
Email- hanni_al@yahoo.com