I need to have a talk with Mr. Miller here.
First of all, who has ever said that Kangaskhan is over looked?! You may
think that, but he hasn't been in decks because almost every deck out there is
a Haymaker/Wiggly varient. 80 damage, how likely is that? The
average for Comet Punch is 40 for 4 colorless, I don't like that, but nothing
comes cheap in the world of Pokémon. Kangaskhan can be used in any
color deck, so can Scyther! And Wigglytuff is too!!! What I'm
getting at here is, no Pokémon is perfect or near perfect even. Mr.
Miller also states that in a Haymaker, it's beneficial to have a guy do 80
damage. Like I said before, how likely is that? And 4 energy to
use the only attack on a Pokémon?! And you want to use him in a
Haymaker. Haymaker Pokemon use at max, 3 Energy to attack. Mr.
Miller also states that his only real flaw is the 3 retreat. Well, what
about weakness to Fighting? Some people are saying, "Well Scyther
is so popular, they need him to protect their precious Wigglytuff"
Well, Scyther isn't in every deck! This is my take on Kangaskhan.
SSJ Trunks needs to leave now!