Good day...This is in memory of my old friend, NatsumeGengar, who's dissapeared...

Anyway, the title pretty much said it...Get Rocket Minefield Gym in, first turn, and Mean Look with a Ghastly or two on the bench...Next turn you can Breeder once or twice, move around a little damage as you see fit (Like one damage counter on an already damaged by RMGym Cleffa), then Feint Attack, doing a possible total of 60 damage to a benched or active pokemon...

First Turn: Gastlys on bench, Mean Look if you want, play Rocket mInefield Gym...

Second Turn: Breeder, Curse, Feint Attack, possible 60 or so damage...Twenty with RMGym, twenty with two Curses, and twenty/thirty/forty with Feint Attack...

That's not really a new one, just not too well known...Thanks for your time, have a good day...

Slashtap (Kyle Tarpley), at, <a href="">I hope this link works</a>...