5. Slowking - Revelation can get you trainer cards, and since most PKMN
depend on energy(lots), Psychic can take advantage of the large amounts of
energy (especially Blaine's Moltres!)

4. Mew - Mew takes advantage of Rainbow energy! If you put it on your bench
and attach Rainbow energy, then Potion or Berry the damage away! Then choose
the type your opponent uses the most of, and give damage to them! Multicolor
decks can also use this card.

3. Lickitung - Lickitung has some good attacks. Lick Wounds is a coin flip,
but it's cool. Tongue Stretch is another bench attacker. Beat up on those
30HP PKMN on the first turn with DCE!

2. Ivysaur - Though Strange Scent is a coin flip, the results can be great!
Razor Leaf is a good second-turn attack.

1. Lapras - Lapras is totally cool! For 2 water energy you get 20 damage with
a 50% chance for paralysis, and for just 1 energy you can remove 20 damage.
It's the best water basic there is!