First of all, let me point out a combo for getting out of a situation in which you have a bad active stuck out there and you can't get it back. Use Fossil Dragonite (Gasp! It DOES have a purpose!) to Step In to the matter, then , pay one to retreat it. But, if you can't spare even 1 energy, you could always use Dodrio's Retreat Aid. Interesting...

Card Trek:
The Multimedia Event

Cards... the final frontier...
These are the ongoing voyages of the cardship Strategize.
Our mission: to seek out new combos, explore un-archetype decks
And to boldly go...
Where no Master...
Has gone before.

Captain Nite Owl (CNO): Ahoy, mateys!

Second-in-command Hitmontop (SICH): Um, Captain? This is a cardship, not a pirate ship.

CNO: Oh. Right. Well, first of all, let me introfuce you to my crew:
Second-in-command Hitmontop (SICH)
Chief Engineer Noctowl (CEN)
Helmsman Jigglypuff (HJ)
Doctor Miltank (DM)
(guy who Chekov and Wharf are on the real Star Trek) Mareep (M)

CNO: Since I do not have enough time to do a full thing in one article, I will spread the Card Trek adventures out over time. Today, we are venturing into the dark abyss of the Unown A quadrant. HJ? Take us out at Warp 4.5.

HJ: Captain! Sensors are detecting another vessel... One called "R.I.O.T.T. (Rapid Invasion Of The Tough)"

CNO: Hail the--

CEN: Captain! The bloody thing's fired on us!

CNO: With what?

CEN: I can't tell sir... Something so risky and out-dated, our sensors can't figure it out.

CNO: M, fire photon Tyrannitars!

M: Doing so sir... No effect.

DM: What's going on? I just got 3 of our 4 Elekid put in sick bay. Thank goodness for those Focus bands!

CNO: Photon Tyrannitars must have backfired...

CEN: Captain! We've been hit badly! We're still taking tons of damage!

SICH: That's impossible. They're not even attaching any more...

HJ: Captain!

CNO: Would everyone please stop shouting "Captain! Captain! Captain!"!

HJ: Sorry, sir. We've been Mean Looked.

CNO: Fire full Phase-Haunters!

M: Taken off line by Toxic Gas, sir.

CNO: Oh no! What willwe do?

Will the U.S.S. Strategize make it ot of this one? Who knows, wait till a latter article to find out...

By the way, you can e-mail me (no junk mail or viruses) at

Fly right,
Nite Owl

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