Prop 15/ Ban OAK?!
Well a lot has been said about the 2 changes WOTC is checking out.
I thought about it for a while because I agree that something must happen,
something has to be changed. I play a few different decks and out of curiosity I
build a Wiggly deck. It contains 14 trainers and wins almost every time. This
made me think, 14 trainers*and still the power and speed to kick @$$, then i
started to put a 2 trainer limit per turn on myself, guess what*.nothing
changed. Wiggly still is the most powerfull deck I have.
The same can be said about a Haymaker I made, specially to check the Prop 15
rules an the 2T. Same results, just put the right trainers in and nothing can
stop you.
It had one major impact on the decks/games I played, it became boring, the same
trainers, the same tactics. BORING. This gave me the insight in the actual
problem. I checked all the decks I ever build, about 20 different, good running
decks. They had a few things in common, most clear was the ever present
Professor Oak.
I wondered what wpould happen if Oak would be the banned card??
It would be replaced by gambler, which would be good, Gambler is not a sure
thing as is Oak, so it could be dangerous to rely on it. It would give some room
to Blaine's last resort, which is good, BLR is harder to use, you can not
discard your cards to use it, it only gives you 5 cards in stead of 7, it's not
as broken as oak.
Decks that rely one speed and nothing but speed would have to change or at least
become more vulnerable. I'm not sure if it would increase the use of evo's
though. I think it can because there is more time to build them up as your
opponent can't really outspeed you. I read somewhere that the dominance of
Wiggly and Hay are not a problem in Japan*where they don't play Pokemon at high
speed*this confirms my statements, just ban the speed.
Offcourse this would make other cards dominant, like in Japan, SER (and perhaps
PC search) should be banned aswell as they would become to powerfull.
I think the banning can stop there, I have no experience with the Rocket trap
combo, as Gym is not out in Holland yet, I tried a combo with Rocket sneak
attack, lass and Imposter oak's revenge, this works but it is not a 100% game
winner, someone can recover from it, plus it's hard to get a 3 card combo,
without using other trainers to get them together. If the Gym combo is indeed
what people say, then just Ban the rocket trap card.
I'm not saying banning is the nicest sollution but it is undoubtly the best way
to keep the unbalanced game of pokemon intact. I hope WOTC will not use the
prop15 rule, it does not get you the result you are looking for it gets you a
boring game which loses all it's charm. Don't do it.
As for the 2T rule, I can live with that rule, it will speed up the game as
players will not take forever to throw PC search after PC search after Item
Finder after whatever. Bills fly around like crazy, no tactics are involved at
all just throw '' down. I think it would increase tactics, that is a very
good thing. Pokemon matures*.
So in conclusion; I would like to see Oak Banned and the 2T rule is a rule i
would not have difficulty with (it shuts the Rocket trap down doesn't it?!)
If you think I just wrote down a hipe of crap, just tell me, this is merely my
opinion I don't consider myself an expert, i just like to play a fun game, with
tactics and variety, Pokemon could be it.
Signing off,
Cool Abra