hi, this is wolf_ash104, and i have a few comments, and plenty of

first, to all of you who keep insulting wizards for making "useless"
cards, wizards publishes and translates the americans. but, wotc
doesnt actually create the cards. nintendo of japan originally
created the Pokémon Trading Card Game, and the american cards are
merely translated copies. so please stop insulting wotc for making
bad cards. there are actually very few american-exclusive cards, like
Dark Raichu.

second, i want to say that no propositions, restictions, rewritings,
or bannings should take place. having these archetypes around helps
to present a challenge, and as new sets come out, these decks may not
change, or they may, for better or worse, because of other archetypes
that pop up over time. i'm just saying that you should not blame
wotc, they only translate and print, and props and bannings, etc.,
should not take place.

now, for the strategies, for those of you i didnt bore to death.

dark dragonair + Dark Dragonite + golduck + Dratini + DCE + Mr.Mime =
basically my deck. this deck, despite what i said defending
archetypes, is killed by a haymaker. though, against other decks,
this one is pretty good. here it is:

The consistency of my "Dark Dragons" Pokémon deck:

Basic Pokémon:
(R) Dratini x 4
(J) Mr.Mime x 2
(F) Psyduck x 2
(R) Psyduck x 2
(J) Eevee x 1
(R) Eevee x 1
(B) Chansey x 1
(B) Gastly x 2
(F) Gastly x 1

Stage 1 Pokémon:
(B) Dragonair x 1
(R) Dark Dragonair x 3
(F) Haunter x 3
(F) Golduck x 3
(R) Dark Vaporeon x 2

Stage 2 Pokémon:
(Promo # 5) Dragonite x 1
(R) Dark Dragonite x 2
(F) Gengar x 1

(B) Potion x 2
(R) Here Comes Team Rocket! x 1

(B) Psychic Energy x 10
(B) Water Energy x 9
(B) Double Colorless Energy x 4
(R) Full Heal Energy x 1
(R) Potion Energy x 1

now, i know what your thinking. 3 TRAINERS!?!?! WHAT THE HECK IS
WRONG WITH YOU?!?!? and im prepared to defend myself. the few
trainers dont help too much, as this deck doesnt require them.
basically, the goal is to get out dark dragonair, search for another
one on DD's first turn, on the next, search for Dark Dragoinite,
evolve, search for 2 basics, i usually get 2 dratinis. evolve one as
soon as possible, search for another DD, and evolve the other
dratini, use his pokemon power to search for a dark dragonite. next
turn, use dark dragonair x 2 to get a base dragoinair and a fossil
golduck. evolve a dark dragonair into dark dragonite, get out a
dratini and a psyduck. next turn, evolve dratini into base dragonair,
and psyduck into golduck. use DD to get a promo dragointe, then on
the next turn, evolve. over time, these will become more and more
powerful. the ghosts really strenghen that, and dark vaporeon, fossil
golduck, and base dragonair all ad a bit of energy removal. for this
deck, trainers arent used a whole lot. the potions allow some
bouncing back, while the most useful one is Here Comes Team Rocket,
allowing me to see my prizes, so if a dratini or other dragon is
there, i can get it next time i ko on opponets pokemon.

well, for now im done rambling on, and i encourage you to try my
deck. it is sort of a new archetype, and it wins about 80-90% of all
its battles, except versus the allmighty haymaker. i have only beaten
a haymaker once with this deck, so have a counter-hay ready to fight
haymakers instead of this.

any thoughts on my comments, comments of your own, and anyone who
uses this deck and would like to submit possible changes, mail them
wolf_ash104  wolf_ash104@homestead.com

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