Hi! It's Delvecchio again, this time I'll be talking about splashing.

Gengar: Yes. By 'splashing', we of course mean Pokemon with colourless
energy requirements that can be used to counter certain types of Pokemon.

Exactly. The most useful 'splashers' have a 20 for CC attack. Some have a 10
for C, or 20 for C. They may also have nice effects. Often they have
40-50HP. They are all basic.

Golduck: I will talk you through Delvecchio's guide to splashers.

Grass: Scyther springs to mind, of course. 30 for CCC. Free Retreat. F
Resistance. 70HP. But who else is there?? (No order)

1. Fossil Grimer. Nasty Goo: 10 for C with a chance of paralysis.
2. Paras. 20 for CC.
3. Erika's Bellsprout lv15. 20 for C, but 10 damage to itself.
4. Erika's Oddish lv12. I think Photosynthesis would turn DCE into 2 grass
energies. If it does, then it is wonderful. 20, with a chance of poison, for
1 DCE?

I think the best one here is Erika's Oddish lv12. CC=20, chance of poison.
Niiice. Fossil Grimer's nice too.


1. Blaine's Charmander: 20 for CC.
2. Ponyta: Same as above.
3. Base Charmander. 10 for C.
4. Brock's Vulpix. CC=10/30 (Quick Attack)

Blaine's Charmander wins hands-down. It has more HP than Ponyta, and the
CC=20 attack. Brock's Vulpix gets an honourable mention though.


1. TR Machop. 20 for CC

TR Machop. It's the only one.


1. Sabrina's Drowzee. 20 for CC
2. Base Drowzee. 10 for C
3. Kirinkiri (Yes, it's in Neo but Agility is good. Translation : CC Agility
10. Flip a coin, if heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage,
done to Kirinkiri during your opponent's next turn.)

Kirinkiri will be best when it comes out, but for now Sabrina's Drowzee wins
hands down.


1. TR Magnemite. 20 for CC.
2. Lt. Surge's Magnemite. Same as above.
3. Surges' Pikachu lv10. CC=10/30 (Quick Attack)

Hmmm. All have the same HP. I'll say Surge's Pikachu when it comes out, but
for now either Magnemite.


1. TR Squirtle. 20 for CC.

TR Squirtle is the only one I can think of.


I think splashing is very useful. Have you ever played a Rain Dance deck
with a few TR Machops? It really helps against electric decks. Mono-Grass
with some TR Squirtle helps against fire decks. Splashing can be useful
whenever you want to keep your deck design, but need help against one
colour. It helps against the metagame.

Well, that's me for the second time. Any comments please send to:

Thank You
