Okay. I finally took the time to read every article that bashes Wizards.
Let's say I had mixed feelings (as in, I didn't know whether to slap the
writers or have my Mewtwo throw them against a wall). Let me take the time to
break down the complaints:

Everyone who says "Wizards is greedy" makes at least one mention of Base Set
2 and Dark Raichu (which is now not "American only"). Well, here's some news,
buddy: THIS ISN'T GREED!!! THIS IS ECONOMIZING!!! Wizards decided to put
cards in Base Set 2 from Jungle and Base One so you wouldn't have to buy one
of each of those packs to get the cards (mind you, this idea has probably
crashed and burned, for I know a lot of stores that still sell Base and
Jungle despite the fact that they are out of print)!
    As for Dark Raichu, Wizards probably decided it was pretty good and
decided to bring it to the U.S. early.

Everyone blames Wizrds for rares like Misty's Goldeen, etc. While I agree
that these are road apples on the highway of Pokemon, it is not Wizards fault
that these are rares. They didn't make them this way on purpose, they just
had to assign a value to them quick, because they were blank in Japan. They
probably picked it out of a hat of something.
    On the plus side, Wizards did a change that saved the Pokemon
environment. Remeber Charity? In Japan, it's supposed to say "reduce damage
done to the ACTIVE Pokemon." Wizards saw this to be more broken than china in
a shop on top of the San Andreas Fault, and changed it, therefore saving us
from this.


I don't like Prop 15 or Prop 2T myself, but Wizards is doing it for a reason.
Pardon my observation, but everyone is beginning to play Archetypes. Now, I
shouldn't complain, because I play a Damage Swap Knockoff (with MP Mewtwo and
Jynx), but the Pokemon environment is starting to look like someone stuck a
Haymaker or a SpeedTuff in a cloning device. The Props encourage players to
make altercations to their decks with these rules, therefore making the decks
more original.


Misty's Tears- Misty is naked, I don't care what you say. Media Factory did
this because naked bodies appear in kid's carttons sometimes.
Sabrina's Gaze- Okay, I actually agree. Only an IDIOT would believe that
Sabrina is flipping you off in the original, but the artwork change is pretty
Koga's Abnormal Body Skill- Everyone who practices Buddhism knows it's a
manji... everyone who goes on Pojo and reads for meaning knows it's a
manji... but there are still players besides the ones I mentioned. And they
can EASILY mistake it for a swatstika. Even I didn't know it was a manji
until I read it here.


All hate mail, deaththreats, appraisals, marriage proposals, trade offers,
and orders for Mail Order Sandshrews (MOSHs) can be sent to JRSWizard@aol.com.