More on Haymaker Bashing

Well, once again JoZ has given us a 'well written article' (please note my
sarcastic remark). This article is not a direct bash, though. As Eminem
would say, in his song 'Rock bottom', "This song is dedicated. to all the
happy people. all the happy people, with really bad decks and don't know
what it's like to see a good deck." Well, lets focus on you hay bashers and
lets see what you have to say:

1. Scyther isn't invincible
Thank you for telling EVERY hay player what they know. Those who point this
out obviously can't play hay because EVERY GOOD HAY PLAYER KNOWS HOW TO GET
PAST THIS WEAKNESS. See, most people with even slight intelligence know of a
friend called energy retrieval, the card that saves low energy decks lives.
It also helps that Scyther has a free retreat cost to save it if you've been
powering something on your bench.
2. Mewtwo and those with Psi resistance.
We go back to the intelligence level here. If you absorb and you're opponent
pops out a Rattata (I throw some in occasionally just for anti-psi
abilities, it works). Usually, if you know how to use Mewtwo, it leaves it
with 3 energy. Now this can help you. oh, I don't know. retreat for
something that'll be affective? Please people, if you want anything to WORK
you have to do it properly. These people who complain about how easily you
can get screwed over while playing hay aren't doing it right!
3. Hitmonchan- Punching wuss
I'm not going to waste much time, everyone knows about fighting resistance.
Once again, our friends switch and scoop up can help here since Chan can't
power itself. Mind you, the people pointing these flaws most likely DO NOT
use these tools.
4. Electa-butt head
I recently heard this at my local league from a player I used to respect. He
says, "They should call his attack 'Blunder Punch' since he can do damage to
itself and kill it." Now, the ignorance of this remark astounds me, speed
usually comes at a cost. In driving, the faster you go, the more gas you
use. In school, the faster you write or work in general, the more likely you
are to make mistakes. When typing, when you rush and don't spellchecker, you
leave your work full of errors (as I have done from time to time). This is
true to Electabuzz, but at the same time, we come back to my 'in order for
the deck to be good, you must be prepared'. If you need to get somewhere
fast, carry some extra gas, if you work fast, check your work, if you
thunderpunch and miss the flip, USE SCOOP UPS OR SUPER POTIONS! It's not the
people coping each other, it's people using common sense and following it.
5. No variation
This isn't something I need to get into. Haymaker (and from time to time,
the Wigglymaker/ Turbo Wigglytuff) is currently the most varied of all
archetypes. They use a large variety of creatures in it. All stall decks
MUST follow the 'Alakazam, Mime, Chansey' or 'Moltres, Scyther, Chansey'
theme in order to go anywhere. All Raindance have to be 'Blastoise,
Articuno, Gyrados, Lapras, Dewgong, ETC', and that's the way it always is!
Just the sheer number of combos and Pokémon that hang around in Haymakers is
almost too many to list.
6. People who complain
These are the people who can't beat, have been beaten by, were slaughtered
by, or who just can play Haymakers. I'm tired of seeing all these brats
whining about the stuff I've pointed out above. Their complaints just make
them look like spoiled children who turn sour grapes because they can
dominate over something which could be superior to themselves, which, in
reality, is what it really is.

People who bash archetypes should really evaluate their own decks and
deckbuilding and ask themselves, 'Can I really make something better then
this, and if I can, will it do better then the highest skilled people
playing the decks I don't like?' I, myself, don't like Raindance as it no
longer seems to be as much of a 'Killer Deck' and it's become easier to beat
then when it first was introduced and I'm tired of putting up with people
playing it and being easily beaten due to my knowledge over them, but do you
see me complaining and whining like people against Haymakers? No, these
people have run out of ideas and have to find something to complain about to
stand out for attention. People such as Skorne (AKA Justin Smith), JoZ, and
several others whom I've forgotten (there are too many to name) who never
learn, and, well, they should. I've tried countless times to show the error
of their ways by emailing them and showing numerous examples, but they just
wont listen. It would seem as if they were blind by their own hatred to
something that really shouldn't matter.
Anyway, those are my two cents on this whole, 'Anti-Hay' phenomenon.
Flame on!
For questions, comments, concerns, hate/pro email, deck help, or other,
please feel free to email me at:
'Every lock can be broken, every secret can be revealed'