Greetings all.

I just want to say thanks for all the great
replys i had on my first posting..It's good
to get feedback on such things..So i felt
that i would go for a few more.

This time i'm going to cover things that new
Gym Leaders (and up and comeing ones)
can do to help their Pokemon League out.
Some of these were covered in my first post
so at times i may repeat myself.

1# Set up a Tradeing Area.

I've found more offen then not that PokeThefts
happen when the thief learns what the trainers at
the League have..So it's best if all tradeing and
showoffing happens in one place..It's easyer on
those looking for the Promo Mewtwo to find it
And it's easyer on the Gym Leader to keep a eye
on who's over there and what's going on.

Set up a table and let all trainers know that you
would like tradeing to take place there..Make sure
it's a big table or have more then one in place.

2# Keep a eye on the trades.

This sort of goes without saying..If little Jon's
about to trade his Charzard for a Neo Pichu
then maybe you sould step in...Keep a print
out of going card rates handy..Not a book
or price guide..Why?..I'll tell you later.

Also you sould check out traded cards..In
the heat on the tradeing it's easy to miss a bend
or a scratch...or worse yet..a good looking fake.
A tip for when holos are traded is to keep some
Ultra Pro protecters nearby..I have each one of
my holos in a UltraPro page and in a UltraPro
sleeve.Doubles the protecting.

Remember tho..If they really want to trade and they
know of the value of the card then step back and just
let them do it.

3# Nametag your trainers.

While some trainers may not like this,it gives you a idea
who belongs to League and who just showed up out of
the blue..I've had non-League trainers show up for promo
card releases and want a card,but thanks the the nametag
I saw though them:)

It also lets you keep track of how many trainers you have
there that day..Make sure even you get one.

4# Get to know your Head Gym Leader and the Store employees
and Manager.

This a MAJOR thing..More offen then not,the Head Gym Leader
works at the store..He/she can be the key to everything..The
other store employess are a factor..if your trainers are tearing
down and stealing..then they will let the store manger know right

The Store Manger is the key to you getting your League stuff
each month..and is a major thing also due to the fact that it's up
to each store if they keep League..The Store Manger is the one
who would deside if it stays or goes...Not all the time mind you.

Sit down with with them and learn what they want.
They tell them what you want and see if a middle ground can be
reached..If it works out then not only will you keep League
going,but it may get even better.

5# Keep your League place clean.

If you and your trainers trash and tear up the League
area each week then you can bet that the manager will
end it but quick..Ask the Store Manager for a large trash
can with a bag and let all trainers know to put their trash in
it. Also try to keep some helpers around so they can keep a
eye out for hidden trash.

6# Keep League in one area.

This just will save you headaches and lower your blood pressare
Set up tables and such in one area and let your trainers know that's
where your holding Pokemon League..Store Managers and those
shopping don't like tripping over battleing trainers.

7# Get to know your Trainers and their Moms/Dads/Grandparents.

This is one more thing that goes without saying..Adult help can be
a great thing if it's just you and some helpers holding your League
togeter..Plus it's good you get to know your trainers..A team
can overcome anything a lot easyer then a few standing togeter.

#8 Make your League Fun.

Don't be worryed about trying something new like triva on Pokemon
or holding a No-Archtype torny..Remember..If it's fun..they will come.

I belive that's enough for now..I'll submit more as they come
to mind or are pointed out to me.

Feel free to e-mail me about it


"Six Tails,Six Wings..Whole lot of trouble."