Hello everyone and thanks for reading, this will be my first Pojo time posting some of my strategys up here. Well hope you enjoy it!
Jungle Snorlax and TR Drowzee
Name:        Snorlax
Type:        Basic Pokemon
Card #:      card 27 of 64
Rarity:      Rare
Color:       Colorless
HP:          90 HP
Weakness:    F      
Resistance:  P -30  
Retreat:     4
Pokemon #:   143
Species:     Sleeping
Level:       20
Power:       "Thick Skinned"
             Snorlax can't become Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, or
             Poisoned.  This power can't be used if Snorlax is already
             Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack:      [4]  Body Slam  (30)
             Flip a coin.  If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now
Name:        Drowzee
Type:        Basic Pokemon
Card #:      card 54 of 82
Rarity:      Common
Color:       Psychic
HP:          50 HP
Weakness:    P
Resistance:  none
Retreat:     1
Pokemon #:   96
Species:     Hypnosis
Level:       10
Power:       "Long-Distance Hypnosis"
              Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin.
              If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep; if tails, your
              Active Pokemon is now Asleep.  The power can't be used if Drowzee
              is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack:      [1P]  Nightmare  (10)
              The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.

 Yes I know its pretty obvious, and we all hate snorlax but, this is kinda like haunters pokemon power by combinding both of them. First off you try to get snorlax powered up while using long-distance and putting the defending poke asleep. Since snorlax can't become asleep those nasty tails don't work. But here comes the best part. When hes fully powerd, you flip to see if the defending poke is asleep, then attack and if the paralyzing misses he will still be asleep and a chace of not attacking. I know its not fool proof, as drowzee is pretty much GOW bait but it does work when u can get it going.
Base Alakazam and Sabrina's Golduck
Sabrina's Golduck
Type:  Stage 1 Water Pokemon (Evolves from Sabrina's Psyduck)
LV.33     HP 70
PP:   Damage Shift
  Effect:  Remove 1 damage counter from this Pokemon and each of
    your Benched Pokemon, and put all of those damage counters on
    the Defending Pokemon.
WCC:   Water Shot:   20+
  Effect:  Flip a coin.  If heads, this attack does 20 more
-CC       Retreat
L         Weakness
No. 055 (Rare)
Name:        Alakazam
Type:        Stage 2 -- from Kadabra
Card #:      card 1 of 102
Rarity:      Rare - Holo
Color:       Psychic
HP:          80 HP
Weakness:    P                
Resistance:  none             
Retreat:     3                
Species:     Psi
Level:       42
Pokemon #:   65
Power:       "Damage Swap"
             As often as you like during your turn (before your attack),
             you may move 1 dam. counter from one of your Pokemon to another
             as long as you don't K-O that Pokemon.  This power can't be used
             if Alakazam is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack:      [PPP]  Confuse Ray  (30)
             Flip coin.  If heads, defender is now Confused.
I like to call this strategy, evil pokemon center. It is going to make it 3x harder for them to KO your pokemon. First you use alakazam's damage swap and put 1 dmg counter on all of your benched pokemon, make sure to move them around so your opponent won't gust out dmg swaped pokes. Then use Damage Shift and transfer all that damage to the defending pokemon! This has to be awesome once its going. Now we can bring the Jiggly strategy of getting a full bench up quickly to do a maximum of 120 damage for PP! Its 120 damage because, the attack will but 60 dmg on the defending poke with a full bench, plus remove 60 dmg from your pokemon. So 60 + 60 is 120. This is so amazing, if only Gym Leaders 2 were out instead of Gym Leaders!
Base Alakazam and Team Rocket Mewtwo
Name:        Alakazam
Type:        Stage 2 -- from Kadabra
Card #:      card 1 of 102
Rarity:      Rare - Holo
Color:       Psychic
HP:          80 HP
Weakness:    P                
Resistance:  none             
Retreat:     3                
Species:     Psi
Level:       42
Pokemon #:   65
Power:       "Damage Swap"
             As often as you like during your turn (before your attack),
             you may move 1 dam. counter from one of your Pokemon to another
             as long as you don't K-O that Pokemon.  This power can't be used
             if Alakazam is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack:      [PPP]  Confuse Ray  (30)
             Flip coin.  If heads, defender is now Confused.
Team Rocket's Mewtwo
Type:  Basic Psychic Pokemon
LV.35     HP 70
P:   Change Damage
  Effect:  Flip a coin.  If heads, exchange all damage counters
    on this Pokemon and the Defending Pokemon.
PP:   Hypnotic Wave:   20
  Effect:  Flip a coin.  If heads, the Defending Pokemon is now
PPPC:   Psyburn:   60
-CC       Retreat
P         Weakness
No. 150 (Rare Hologram)
First off I would like to note that Mewtwo has 3 attacks! Psyburn does 60 and unlike Sabrinas Alakazam you can use it next turn! Well anyways onto the strategy :) First off you want to gust out of fresh poke that has no dmg on it. Then you put 6 dmg counters on Mewtwo using damage swap and pray that you flip heads. Using change damage only requiring a P energy makes it a fast attack :) You change the damage on mewtwo, the 6 dmg counters, and put them on the defending poke, then you get to swap your 6 dmg counters for his 0! Unbelievable. But once again all of the strategys are not fool proof.
Sabrina's Kadabra and Fossil Gengar
Sabrina's Kadabra
Type:  Stage 1 Psychic Pokemon (Evolves Sabrina's Abra)
LV.41     HP 70
P:   Life Down
  Effect:  Flip a coin.  If heads, put enough damage counters on
    the Defending Pokemon so that it has only 10 HP remaining.
PCC:   Psyshot:   30
-C        Retreat
P         Weakness
No. 064 (Uncommon)
Name:        Gengar
Type:        Stage 2 -- from Haunter
Card #:      card 5 of 62
Rarity:      Rare - Holo
Color:       Psychic
HP:          80 HP
Weakness:    none      
Resistance:  F -30
Retreat:     1
Pokemon #:   94
Species:     Shadow
Level:       38
Power:       "Curse"
             Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move 1 damage
             counter from 1 of your opponent's Pokemon to another (even if it
             would Knock Out the other Pokemon).  This power can't be used if
             Gengar is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
Attack:      [PPP]  Dark Mind  (30)
             If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, choose 1 of them and this
             attack does 10 damage to it.  (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance
             for Benched Pokemon.)
Last but not least another damage swap technique, oh no, no alakazam! This time you get Kadabra going as your poke and with only 1 entergy you can start the strategy! If you are lucky you can knock out any pokemon in two turns. Use Kadabras life down, hope to god you get heads, then use gengars curse next turn and move a damage counter to the defending poke! Hes dead! In one turn and you still can attack! Also Kadabra has a nice 70hp and will be able to be out there for quite a bit. If no gengar you can atleast take the poke out in 2 turns using life down, then psyshot. Although im not a fan of Sabrina's Alakazam, nor gengar, I put this strategy up to all of you gengar lovers.
Psychic players are going to rule when Gym Leaders 2 comes out, just hope you can build up the Kazams and other pokes before the 'chan and 'buzz take you out :( I realize all of these stategys are not fool proof! Also thanks to Bret Larwick, Brian Brokaw, and Edo for there Jap and Eng spoilers!
Send me e-mail anytime (even hatemail!)
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