Dear Pojo and all readers,

    I have read a lot of articles regarding the 15 trainer limit and I think
that a 15 trainer limit would be a very bad idea to add to the card game,
although I do see why it was a consideration.  Of course, this is just my
    The Trapper Deck Archetype which everyone has heard about and probably
already battled against for those of you on Apprentice, is probably the most
likely reason the 15 Trainer rule was brought up.  I was reading an article
entitled called "Prop 15" by Dark Weedle and he thinks it should be in effect
and gave many reasons (good ones I may add) to restrict the use.  Although
his points were good, I think a 15 trainer limit would screw up alot of
archetypes and it would just make the game change so drastically some players
may not like it.  I think it would be easier to just ban some of the cards in
the Trapper combo.
    Another reason I think the 15 trainer limit should not be put in effect
is due to making many trainers useless.  I read in Dark Weedle's article that
"A lot of trainers will never see use again..."  although this is a good
point, I think this is for the worse.  If people are restricted to a trainer
limit, than how many trainer cards that you get in booster packs are going to
be as useless as some of those "common rares" found in the Gym Packs.  I just
don't see this as being a benefit.
    The final reason I think the limit should not be out in effect is because
we have a solution for trainers anyway...its called Dark Vileplume.  Many
people have been trying to make a way to turn this card into a viable
archetype, I haven't had much success (if anyone has a deck that does really
well, give me an e-mail) but if someone creates a killer deck from this..then
I dont see the big deal.  Other cards besides Trainer cards could also never
see the light of day because there effectiveness is now limited.  I also
heard that Japan doesn't have a 15 trainer Limit enforced and they are doing
fine, they just straight up ban cards which I also disagree with since it
renders the card useless.  This is a very touchy and hard to decide issue but
I think restricting or banning the cards in the combo is a better way then
restricting the entire library of trainer cards.

Thanks for reading my article,

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