The fifth best SI cards, huh? Well, nobody can accuse Matthew of being a bad student, so here goes...
5. Tentacruel
Mwa ha ha!!! Blastoise's best bud since Wooper! I like card drawing. Use Energy Flow to control your drawing and Focus Band to avoid being surprised. This card unfortunately has one little problem in the top left corner---evolves from Tentacool.
4. Jigglypuff
Brock's Mankey now has a 50 HP version. Nothing else must be said.
3. Exeggutor
This card could possibly have some serious uses in Meganium decks. Sharpshooter is POWER and takes out benched babies with relative ease. It's no Umbreon in standard, but like Tentacruel, More energies means more power to the point of overkill. Less trainers means more energy.... take THAT, Steelix with 3 Metal!!! Mwa Ha HA!!!
2. Mew (Duh)
The most talked about cardin the set combos with Sabrina's Alakazam (who is an EVIL coin that labratory tests have proven to get heads 80% of the time), and of course Rainbow Energy. 30 HP means BAAAAAAD...but hey, none of these cards will create a new archtype. Actually, come to think of it, none of these cards probaly will get into real decks, except...
1. Onix
90 HP, 3 retreat, no resistance, grass weakness, just like base, but CAN be used at the STS, and DOES have a colorless attack. It's a clear improvement on an existing card, so it WILL be played.
This is Matthew turning in his homework. Hope it gets posted...
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Matthew out...