It's How You Play The Game   By:Joe Johnson
    Hello, fellow Pokemon players, traders, and judges. My name is Joe Johnson and this is my first TCG stratigie. I will try to write good stratigies at lest once a month.(If you guys are lucky once a week) My first topic is "It's How You Play The Game" This is one of the most greatest stratigies anyone will tell you. Better from me than from anyone else. Enough intro time for the good stuff.
    I'ts How You Play The Game
You people might think its how you sit and play the face cards body, ext....
  That's right most people just sit there and play the game normally, but normal ain't how you win the tournement. In my area you have to be bizzar to win the tournement. Proboly were you live also.
    The five things i'll take about is:
-The deck
-The face
-The body
-The hands
-The opponent
   The deck.
The deck should be legal to start with but the appirence is the big thing. Have all of your cards in those cheap sleves. You know the $1.00 ones. This way they think your cheap not having the $8.00 ones. This makes the enemy play much softer.
Also shuffle up your deck so it is all derange. Also play alot with a friend befor so the ends get worn and the edges get dirt. This makes them think you must be dirty or stupid. Thats it for the deck.
   The face.
The face should be nutrel like this  : -l
The face shouldn't be happy like this :-)
The face shouldn't  be sad like this  :-(
So keep your face nutrel and don't speak often. Because the enemy will know you have a trick up your sleve. When you want themto think you have no energys no trainers and a single Pokemon. But you have 2 energys an oak one hitmonchan and a lickatung. Thats it for the face.
   REMEMBER don't SMILE  don't FROWN
    The body.
The morning of the tournment put on a beer shirt and have a sloppy food for luch.  Like sloppy Joes.(Named after me.)
Make sure you have a pop stain or a beer stain (If you can drink.) Carry a tatered card box a round. And carry only 7 dice they can't be the same they have to be odd. A tweeny sided would help and a clear one. If it's still the summer were a pair of jean shorts. You know the ones that hang down to your ankles. If' it's cold outside ware a pair of kakies GREEN!
When you sit don't tremble and dont move much. Keep your wrists on the table at all times.
The hands.
Keep your hand together like this not far a part like this.
(note. I got this off a stratagie a long time a go so thanks to unonomies)
___________                      ___________________
l  l  l  l  l       l                      l       l       l       l         l           
l  l  l  l  l       l                      l        l       l       l        l
l  l  l  l  l       l                      l       l       l        l        l
l  l  l  l  l       l
l  l  l  l  l       l
l_l_l_ l_l____l
You get the picture right?
The reson is so that your opponent dosen't know how many cards you have in your hand. I win tournies by counting cards in hands.
Enough about hands time to the opponent.
The opponent should be your sworn enemy because  usually it's you or him. Read your opponents deck face body and hands.
Abbuse the rules.
Go threw there dicard pile count the number of cards in thier hand and thier deck. If under 12 in the deck then stall for a win.
Abbuse everything because you can.
REMMEMBER abbuse abbuse abbuse!
By: Joe johnson
P.s e-mail for help cause i'll help.
peace out
rock on!