Here is what I believe to be the top 5 cards from Southern Islands (from perspective of the Weakest Link Project (see on TCG Gossip of Message Board)). Not in any order... 

5: Togepi I believe that this card has potential with having a C-10 attack plus possible Confusion. That's just as good, if not better, than a C-10 Paralysis attack! Plus, it has no Weakness and a resistance to Psychic. 

4: Vileplume This set is full of defensive cards, not doing much damage, but having damage-removing or status attacks. The Paradise Pollen can really be good in a deck that has been Bench-struck or Damage-Swapped. The Horrible Pollen is ("ironically"), wonderful! Two of the best Status effects! 

3: Lapras Although Gentle Song removes damage from the Defending Pokémon, it removes damage from you AND hypnotises the Defending Pokémon. It's a good combo with Gengar or Bench-hitters to weaken your opponent's bench while making the Defending Pokémon unable to attack with either Sleep or Paralysis! 

2: Raticate The Weakest Link Project emphasizes cards that are wild and unpredictable. This card is lots or few, better than T-F. 

1: Lickitung This card is nice. Lick Wounds could help against Gold Berry. Lick an opponent's Wounds and then do an attack that can KO it before the Berry gets a chance. Then, Tongue Stretch is a fair Hunt attack-- provided you land heads! 

Game Show Guy